This Play For Toddlers Is Something Adults Will Love Too!

The minute I switch on the cartoon channel, I make a quick exit, for some ‘me’ time and only later, at the end of the day, if my child would have enjoyed the TV show more had I sat and watched and laughed with her!

When was the last time you enjoyed something that your kids watch? The minute I switch on the cartoon channel, I make a quick exit, for some 'me' time and only later, at the end of the day, if my child would have enjoyed the TV show more had I sat and watched and laughed with her!

If you are nodding along- here is one outing you can enjoy together with the kids. Book your tickets for this play for toddlers- a story about a little girl and her father and we are sure you will love this, along with the kids! Read on for more details!

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About the event:

Toddlers’ Theatre is a genre that promotes and advocates professional theatre developed for children between 0 and 6 years. My Room, My World’- a play specifically designed for toddlers – children between 2 years to 6 years revolves around a 6-year-old girl, her room, things in her room and her relationship with her father. As the father notices the scattered objects in the room, he goes on a nostalgia trip and recollects things that he would if he was the child, just like his daughter. 

The play is for 30 minutes and there will be a 15 minute interaction with the audience. Make sure you book the tickets for you and the kids in advance!

Date & Time: Sunday, June 17, 2018, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Where: The Beehive, 67A, C Block, Sushant Lok-I, Gurgaon, New Delhi
Age: 2 and above
Contact Number: 8383042114
Cost: Rs. 300
Facebook: The Beehive & Theatre I-Entertainment

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