This Spice Helps Boost Your Immunity & Health (Recipes Included)

Cinnamon is a spice that can add a bomb of flavour to any dish. We tell you why you should be eating more of this spice in your cooking and add to your health benefits.

Ayurveda says it’s incredibly important that meals should have all six tastes in them – sweet, bitter, sour, astringent, salty and pungent. Colour me surprised. As a mother of two, I never gave it a single thought to cultivate them in my kids. 

Thankfully, as a baker and epicurean, I included them naturally in the dishes I cooked. But I do realise that for a lot of moms out there, personal preference can be a hindrance. 

For instance, if you don’t particularly enjoy the astringent taste, which is the flavour of dryness you get after consuming chickpeas, pomegranate or basil, chances are you are not going to include it in your daily meals. 

Then how do you cultivate all 6 tastes in your little ones? You use a little harmless trickery. And I am 100% sure that most mamas are vigorously nodding their heads right now. 

So, here’s my two cents on how to include the sweet taste in your children’s food without relying heavily on sugar. You use cinnamon. The many health benefits and qualities the spice has become the icing on the top!

Dalchini, A Little History For You

Cinnamon isn’t new, rather it is ancient, as in, 27th Century B.C old.  When it comes to cooking, there are 3 to 4 types of sharp spice, but the known ones are Cassia and Ceylon. In stores, it’s Cassia you’re more likely to find. FYI, it is the stronger version and perfect for baking, whereas Ceylon has a fruity zing.

Why Use Cinnamon In Your Children’s Food?

Throw a little bit of cinnamon in any dish, and it goes from meh to addictive. The sweet-spicy flavoured spice is a wonder.

But the enriching taste is not its only benefit.

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