Tips: Mom Entrepreneurs On Building Million Dollar Businesses

Are you a mom running a business? This is what other mompreneurs have to say about how they do it all!

When we read about the achievements of a mom- we often wonder, #HowSheDoesIt?! There must be some secret recipe she has that has got her this success, we tell ourselves! Well, all moms are superheroes- no doubt- and some of them are successful in their parenting journey as well as in their passion! This Mother’s Day we caught up with a few successful mompreneurs and asked them their success mantra and here’s what they had to say!

You may also like: #HowSheDoesIt with Maya Hari, MD, APAC, Twitter

Q: Two things you would do to be more efficient each day

There’s not a single day when I tell myself how I can manage things better- at work or home- or helping my little girl finish her school project. It can be about learning to manage time better or learning how to keep your calm when things spiral out of control! Deepshika Deshmukh, the force behind Love Organically– winner of the Best Organic Skin Care Brand at KSP Awards 2017 picks her list of two things as learning to manage time better and being happy. “Thanks to my smartphone, meeting reminders, playdates and PTA meetings are pretty much sorted out. I make a conscious effort to ensure my days are almost equally divided to dedicate time at home & at work. Also, no matter how much the pressure, having a positive attitude and staying happy translates into everything that you undertake, resulting in a more efficient version of yourself”. 

Learning to depute the work is another key factor for successful moms. Malika Sadani, CEO of The Moms Co- that won the Best Mommy Venture category and the runner-up of Best Organic Skin Care Brand at KSP Awards 2017, tells us ” It’s important to do things that only you can do and let the others take on the rest.  It makes all of us more effective!”

Also, taking the time out to plan things ahead is a real game changer, according to Tejal Bajla, Founder of Brainsmith that won the Best Indian Made Toys and Games category in KSP Awards 2017. “I plan each day the night before and follow it up with a detailed to-do task list in order of importance and priority. It’s a total game changer!”, she says!

Q: One thing you would like do more of that you don’t , as a mom:

Every single day we quietly wish there was one thing we could do if we had more chances or opportunities or time. It could be simply anything- from more ‘me time’ to enjoying more time with the kids or learning something new with the kids. Dipti Ahuja, Co-founder of Love The World Today that won the Best Organic Clothing category at KSP Awards 2017 tells us how she loved to read! “Reading! Has to be reading. I still haven’t gotten around to adapting to e-books. I really miss picking up a book and a cosy corner and just reading uninterrupted.” 

Some moms believe in the power of travel and why they should travel with their kids as frequently as they can! Malika Sadani tells us the one prominent thing from her wish list! “I would love to take the girls more often on treks, trips and holidays. I think it’s a great way for us to bond while exposing them to new cultures. Hopefully, we’ll find time to do a lot of more of these”. 

Shruti Tejwani, one of the most popular family photographers in the country tells us her secret wish and it is a lot like what you and I will hope for, mommies! “The only thing I sometimes wish for is few more hours extra in the day. I am always craving for spending more time with my kids playing and teaching them and some extra spa and salon time to unwind”.

Q: The secret sauce to my success in being an entrepreneur and a happy mom is…

Every time we see a successful mom- we wonder secretly how she manages it all! From having a core team that backs her up, to having a fab family support- there can a world of things that a successful mompreneur is lucky to have up her sleeve! These moms share their secret mantra with us! Samridhi of Little West Street, that won the Best Nursery Decor & Furniture category in KSP Awards 2017 tells us why a positive mindset is the key to winning. “I believe you have to train your mind to see positive in your everyday life, and have a clear vision of what you want to be as a mom and as a business person. You can only achieve what you can visualize and believe possible. “

While most of us unnecessarily complicate the concept of parenting and engage in a lot of self-pity, guilt and worries- Tejal Bajla has the answer we all need to listen to. “Abandoning the illusion of perfection has truly made the overall journey lighter, happier and a lot more fulfilling. I am now able to just to my best in a given situation and leave the rest!” Well said, Tejal!

And the most important secret for every successful mom- a great family backing! Deepshika Deshmukh tells us “When you’ve got family that supports you, you grow tenfold and success just simply follows you, because of all their blessings and good wishes.” We totally agree! 

Wishing all the super moms out there- a very Happy Mother’s Day! Remember, you are the best! 

You may also like: #HowSheDoesIt with Natasha Badhwar 

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