To my daughter: You are more than a princess.

She needs to be sure of herself, her abilities and love being a girl, a one with high self esteem and confidence that I can do it. And like Carla mentioned ” Ive explained to my daughters how what and who we surround ourselves with plays a big part in influencing us. So I bid adieu to princess (as well as shy) and welcome words that rejoice in the gifts they were born with, the gifts theyre still figuring out that Im so lucky to witness.”

Your daughter is more than a princess

Why is her world only pink, beautiful and full of candy floss? When we women are a pillar of strength. Why do we need to address our daughters as just princesses? Why do we typecast their toys and add labels to their personalities? She is shy, coy, ladylike, pretty. We typecast just about every aspect of their being.

When the daughter goes for her Monday football class she sure has no female company with 8 boys running all over the place at lightening speed. I don’t have answer to questions like why would you pursue something she doesn’t like or something she’s not made for and my answer would only be I don’t know. She is testing her skills and I would love her to explore. I never want to instill in her that this is not her cup of tea. She needs to be sure of herself, her abilities and love being a girl, a one with high self esteem and confidence that I can do it. I would love some moms to break the barriers and trust their daughters to perform on all grounds. We so easily put their hobbies in the pink & blue box. She will learn a language, piano and maybe art while my son will learn football, robotics and chess.

Ofcourse genders have preferences and I am not asking you to break those. But yes I want to teach my girls that there is nothing they cannot achieve. She is just as talented, creative, tough, smart and can battle anything that comes by. She is more than a princess.

And like Carla mentioned “ I’ve explained to my daughters how what and who we surround ourselves with plays a big part in influencing us. So I tell them if they like princesses, choose the ones with admirable qualities. Choose the ones that empower them as little girls. None of this putting your life on hold until prince charming comes around. Fooey”

Thank you Carla for these lovely words, “  I want there to be no doubt in their minds that they are always enough just as they are. So I bid adieu to “princessâ€_x009d_ (as well as shy) and welcome words that rejoice in the gifts they were born with, the gifts they’re still figuring out that I’m so lucky to witness.”

Check out her video here. Brilliant and inspiring!

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