Top 5 Food Trends For The Indian Family In 2020

Eating habits change constantly. So what’s the next big food trend in 2020? What’s going to on plates in homes and restaurants? We have a few ideas. Swipe to read more!

The New Year has begun and everyone is busy making resolutions about getting healthier and fitter. As a parent, making sure that my family is eating healthy is my number one goal this year (Actually I say that every year).

Compared to when we were growing up and had limited access to a variety of food, kids today have exposure to so much ore whether it's when they travel with the family on holidays and taste the local cuisine or when they get hooked to shows like Masterchef and are aware of so much you can do with food. Experts have predicted that food trends for 2020 would concentrate more on health issues rather than simply looking for tastes. 

So as we go into the new year we look at the things that should find their way into your kitchen and your meal plans in 2020.

Using Alternative Flours

With a lot of people wanting to go off wheat/ go gluten-free/ stay off refined flour like maida, people are looking at alternates. We have a bank of local flours to choose from – bajra (pearl millet), ragi (finger millet), kuttu (buckwheat) to name a few. These healthy alternate options are hidden in the traditional and rural kitchens of the country. So with the awareness about these being revived by chefs all over, these grain flours are making a comeback. We have loads of recipe using these if you are looking for ways to incorporate them into your meals.  Click here for recipes

Butters & Spreads

Watermelon seed butter, peanut butter, almond butter are all expected to be popular snack choices in this new year. And with good reason. They are packed with nutrition and for kids these are perfect. Nothing comes in the mouth so they can't really complain. Isn't that every picky child's pet peeve? Put them on crackers, toast or just use like a dip to eat carrots, cucumbers and celery. If you are looking for quick dip recipes, these dip recipes take 15 minutes or less to put together

Kids Menu Getting A Makeover

Are the days of picky eaters numbered? Judging from the number of kids’ cooking and baking competitions on TV, kids are kitchen-savvier than ever. Parents are introducing their kids to more adventurous foods. Think non-breaded fish sticks, food that is fermented, spiced differently, colourful pasta in fun shapes made from alternative flours are some of the trends in the pipeline.

Grandparent Food

Tradition will be very important in 2020. The food of our grandparents is definitely making a come back. Foods that represent personal and shared histories, without fuss. Going back to what our ancestors ate is definitely a healthier way to live.

Traditional rules of eating should be re-included in our everyday living again and even more importantly teach them to our children who seem to be unfamiliar with them completely. By sticking to fresh food and eating seasonal produce one can ensure more nutrients (nutrients get lost on their way from farm to the table) and better taste (out of season foods don't taste that good).

Vegetables And More Vegetables

Plant-based foods and all things vegetables! People are realizing that they are too focused on protein sources and are moving to vegetables and plant-based alternatives. Sportspeople – Indian and international are also turning vegan and are strong advocates of this kind of diet not affecting their performance and health. You can read more about it here.

Now that you know what changes you should be making in your kitchen don't forget to buy a copy of the KSP 50 Indian Meal Plans book and simplify your life further. Pre-order your copy NOW!

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