What Schools Are Looking For During Admissions | Kunal Dalal & Pinky Dalal

On KSP Radio, we spoke to Pinky Dalal & Kunal Dalal about their vision and core principles of their school – JBCN International School. Listen to this podcast and understand what they have to say when it comes to raising children that are successful and what schools are looking out for during admission time.

"We need to remove the fear of failure" – Kunal Dalal

Did you ever hear this when you were growing up? The approach towards education has changed so much over the past few years and we were very happy to hear that schools aim to raise life-long learners over just students. As parents, we are always concerned about which school is right for our child? which curriculums will help them shape their future and just a holistic approach to shaping our children to be happy. But how are we, as parents and schools helping them? Are our children getting raised in a happy environment?

We need to raise happy students and they will be life long learners – Pinky Dalal

Today, on KSP TV, we speak to Pinky Dalal who has been in the industry since 1988 and her son Kunal Dalal. She started her career with Children's Nook and now JBCN has launched its 4th school in Chembur. The core principles and vision of their school are what we admire and here are a few questions we asked them.

  • We spoke to them about what should be expected out of parents of learners?
  • How they manage so many schools together?
  • What are their strengths and what it takes to have successful students?
  • What schools look at during admission time 

And more… 

Tune in now and you will also know how to get your child ready for the 21st century at JBCN International School and we are excited about their 4th school in Chembur!

Check the website for more details: https://bit.ly/KSPJBCN

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