What To Carry In Your Diaper Bag (Bonus: Downloadable Checklists!)

A smart thing to do would be to invest in two different diaper bags – one that you can grab on a daily basis for short trips and one for when you are outside for longer periods of time. This list is super handy for new moms

Whenever I was making plans to head out with my kids, my inner mama would just groan. Oh God! I have to pack so many things into my diaper bag and I really hope I don’t forget anything this time. I kind of was like Mary Poppins – carrying half my house in my bag.

However, I have learnt over time that even though babies are high maintenance if you keep a list you can make your life so much easier and your diaper bag will also be much lighter. I don’t know about you, but my shoulder took quite a beating initially due to the weight of the bag.

So we’ve broken it down for you and made downloadable lists which you just need to click on and print.

If your trip outdoors is simply to do an errand (roughly 2 hours) and head back then this is what you should pack in your diaper bag.

Since you won’t be out of the house for too long, you should carry only the bare essentials. A smart thing to do would be to invest in two different diaper bags – one that you can grab on a daily basis for short trips and one for when you are outside for longer periods of time. This way you won’t need to keep pulling things out and putting more in. The average time for a diaper change is 3 hours, so if you carry 2 diapers you’re home safe. Wipes are an essential part of your baby bag, as is a hand sanitizer. Both are required to maintain your baby’s hygiene and yours. If you’re breastfeeding your baby then you’ll have quite a light bag, without the water flask, formula powder and bottles. But don’t forget your nursing cover in that case.

Now, if you’re heading out for half a day outdoors, you should pack a few more things since the time away from home will be longer.

We would recommend a medicine kit and a snack box with carrot sticks or sooji rusks for teething babies and cheese slices or fruit that doesn’t spoil easily. Since vomit or poop mishaps are part and parcel of being on the go with a baby, an extra set of clothes and a pair of socks (most people forget this) for the baby and an extra t-shirt/kurta for you, is absolutely essential!

Don’t forget to replenish your plastic packet stock regularly. You don’t want the wet clothes mingling with all the clean stuff. If you haven’t tried using disposable changing mats, we suggest you do. They fold up nicely and you can just use and throw. No hassle of washing it if it gets soiled. Teddyy Changing Mats are convenient and come in a pack of 10.

If you’re planning to travel for a few days, there are a few more things you should include in your travelling diaper bag besides what’s already mentioned above.

Medicines and Food:

These are only the essentials for your travel bag. You would obviously need to carry more as per the number of days you’re travelling. Pack a medical kit to include basic medicines like those that you give the baby for fever, allergies, and cough. You could also pack along a thermometer and Band-Aids. Sippy cups and pacifiers are helpful when on a flight since the sucking action prevents ears from getting blocked. Blocked ears can be extremely painful for your baby.

Make sure you have enough bottles and alternate feed options when you travel. Nothing worse than a hungry, cranky baby. If your toddler is on solid food, khichadi or idlis are easy to carry and are filling too. Indian moms know that these are two things that don’t spoil easily and will keep the baby happy too. Also, no matter what kind of weather you’re going to, we recommend carrying a light blanket in your travel diaper bag. This light blanket can be extremely versatile! Long journeys can make diaper changing difficult and a wet baby’s bottom is extremely sensitive, so don’t forget the diaper rash cream. If you’ve run out of diaper rash cream, you can use ghee or coconut oil.

Accessories and Toys:

Have you ever had to travel with a bored toddler? Then you know that crayons and colour sheets/sensorial blocks should be a staple in your travel bag. They’ll be happy and busy for a good portion of your travel. One more article to go in your travel diaper bag should be a baby sling. It frees up your hand and your little one is also happy being close to you all snug and warm.

You may also like: DIY Wooden Sensorial Blocks For Toddlers

If you’re still looking to buy a diaper bag, make sure that it has enough little compartments so that you can put all that you need in an organised manner. A waterproof inner lining is always helpful. Always keep your diaper bag stocked in case you need to make a quick run somewhere.

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This post is written in association with Teddyy Diapers.

Watch this fun saving space in your diaper bag challenge video between Mansi Zaveri of KSP and Karanvir Bohra

Image Source: blog.thebump.com

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