When we look at celebrity mommies, we think. “I wish I had that body”.
But what we forget that it comes with a lot of commitment, dedication and self-care. Nobody bounces back to being fit if they are not eating healthy, daily exercises and sleeping well! And don’t kid yourself – even they have cheat meals because everybody needs a little bit of fun!
At Kidsstoppress, we understand everyone’s plight and we want to give you everything under one roof. Sign up for KSP Mom Challenge and get a list of home exercises that will help you burn your belly fat and sign up for #KSPMealPlan for healthy food options. Many mommies swear by this!
Here’s what celebrity trainer, Yasmin Karachiwala typically in a day:
What a typical lunch looks like: She sticks to simple Indian wholesome meal with roti, rice and vegetables.
Would she eat a whole pizza by her self? Absolutely yes!
Detox recipes after festivities: a green vegetable juice would be your key drink!
What does Yasmin think about Keto, Intermittent and all the new diets? She thinks its a fad!
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