Yoga For Kids | How To Improve Posture & Back

In this KSP Exclusive, Hiral, from Lil’ Yogi’s Club shows you how you can introduce yoga to your kids at an early age because yoga has many benefits. Tune in and give poses like Anuvittasana, Vrikshasana, Pachinittasana, Dhanurasana and Purvottanasana a try and test how flexible you are. The many benefits will make you include this in your child’s routine, right away!

Yoga is extremely important in the 21st century because it teaches them how to slow down and be with nature, even when you are in the midst of the hustle-bustle of the city. Although we have hi-tech medical facilities, we are still leading a stressful and unhealthy life. In this situation, yoga can bring peace to our body, mind, and soul and add more value to our life. The importance of yoga in modern life is abundant. 

If you ask me, it is very important for us to introduce yoga to our kids at an early age too. It will teach your children how to lead a healthy lifestyle, will improve their concentration, creativity and sharpen their memory. 

Tune in and watch Hiral from Lil' Yogi show us poses like Anuvittasana (Standing Backbend), Vrikshasana (Tree pose), Pachinittasana (Seated Forward), Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) and Purvottanasana (Reverse Plank). These poses will not only make your children flexible but it will strengthen their back and work on their posture. 

Try them out at home with your kids and you will surely be able to include them in your kids routine. 


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