Play has always involved creativity, risk taking, flexibility, adaptability and “flowâ€_x009d_. It has been an integral part of a child’s life. Unfortunately, in today’s complex world, we hardly see children playing. They are mostly performing structured activities. Play grounds for children are disappearing slowly and steadily. ‘Rough and Tumble’ play is considered violent today. These days, parents view playing a means of improving their child’s academic performance. Reports have said that free play in children has reduced drastically. In coming years if no positive change is seen, it will get worse.
We often forget being a part of this mad race that we are restricting our children from their main job i.e. playing. Age where playing should be the core job, there they are performing structured activities. Doctors have been voicing their opinion that through play, your child is developing their skills. Looking at the current scenario, companies are working towards creating developmental toys. THOMAS AND FRIENDS TOYS are one amongst them.
Let’s have a look at some of the toys and major skills this brand caters to-
1)Â Cognitive Skills– Cognitive skill is one of the most important skills. It helps the child to improve his reasoning and logical aspects. Thomas Phone toy provides these skills to the kids. This toy gives them with the ability to think and understand the world around them.
2)Â Imaginative Skills– These skills help in enhancing the creativity of the child. The way they can use the product, the way they can improve upon. Around the track with Thomas is one such toy that widens the scope of imagination in children. It expands their thinking of doing things in a different way.
3) Social and Emotional Skills– One needs to know how to deal with one self, with others and relationships. Thomas the Train with R/C Vehicle is one of my pick. This toy teaches your child to cooperate with others. It furthers helps to develop sympathy and empathy towards others and way to maintain positive relationships.
4)Â Physical Skills– These skills are mainly concerned with gross and fine motor skills. Picking up, holding, and many such movements come under this category. These skills help in building the muscles of the child. Thomas busy starter set is my favorite toy for developing physical skills in a child. Laying out the track set and the train station makes child use his muscles in the best possible manner.
One cannot accelerate the process of walking and running in a toddler. Similarly, natural processes that unfold through play cannot be rushed.
Lastly, one should remember- “Play allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity and physical, cognitive, and emotional strengthâ€_x009d_.
Credits: Toy & YellowGiraffe.inÂ