International Clown Fest India Workshop 2011

Luckily the clowns inspite of a packed schedule were not running late and arrived looking their funniest best. After a whole lot of handshakes, pictures, touching of the big red noses and some great tricks the 4 clowns split into 4 different stations. Our drive back home was fun and when we came back home the first thing my daughter did was run to see herself in the mirror with her big red nose.

If you are wondering what is the International Clown Fest India then you might want to click here.

The minute I got to know about this workshop I was really tempted to take the daughter. It was actually a clowning workshop where the 4 clowns were going to teach you some really cool clowning tricks and interact with you. I thought this was our chance to see the trailer before a 100 minute show on Sunday so why not. With my gang of moms & kids we headed to St. Stainslaus school in Bandra on hill road in not more than 20 minutes and occupied our seats right in the front. We finished our snacks even before the clowns arrived. Luckily the clowns inspite of a packed schedule were not running late and arrived looking their funniest best.

They walked in and greeted our children first and I must confess the moms were more excited to see the clowns then the kids. The kids were actually absorbing the moment and watching them carefully while the moms were happy that it was going to be a fun evening with the babies. After a whole lot of handshakes, pictures, touching of the big red noses and some great tricks the 4 clowns split into 4 different stations.

We started with the juggling station and while I did try my hand at it the daughter and her friends were awestruck by the juggler. They did not blink once. If you are wondering whether I succeeded or not, nope still practicing 🙂

We then moved to the ” dress up to be a clown station”. While this was a lot of fun and perfect for pictures I wish they had little costumes too to add to the drama. Sigh! Anybody listening… The daughter thought this was her chance to put make up and she was already only to know she didnt look like mommy but like a clown. When Buttons the clown added that big red sponge nose to her she frowned and then looked straight at it. After a bit she did get used to it and loved posing for mammas camera.

We then tried a trick with pulling the table cloth of while the crockery is on the table. Toto the clown was really patient and darn I learnt this one. First go and the crockery did not fall. Clap Clap clap! The daughter just watched like wow do I have a super mom or something. Yes baby you do, being a mom does require super power!!!

Balloon art is what caught her fancy next and we were happy when Toto made her a lovely blue giraffe. We then posed for a lot more pictures and waved good bye to all our friends feeling happy!

Our drive back home was fun and when we came back home the first thing my daughter did was run to see herself in the mirror with her big red nose. We ended a fun day with a clown face on her fist and a funny clown story…

For all those who wish to catch the show this weekend do click here to know details

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