Its raining Yogurt in Mumbai

The city is bursting with yogurt stores at every little corner and I actually wonder if Mumbai even has the appitite for so many but anyways lets have fun while it lasts. Yogurtbay the first one to enter South Mumbai at Mahalaxmi next to the Richfeel spa, now has competition at 6th Street Yogurt next to Gangar optics and Yogurtland to open next to Sambena Bags. If you were to compare the nutritional value of ice cream vs. yogurt its not like one is healthier than the other as both have enough fat and sugar maybe the yogurt has slightly less.

I am sure all kids love ice cream only it wasn’t forbidden in a city like Mumbai where cold and cough are  our perennial friends. So we do give in to a slightly healthier option called Yogurt. Its fresh, its yogurt and it looks sinful! Have you tried it yet with the babies? Come on mommies lets the babies have fun too!

The city is bursting with yogurt stores at every little corner and I actually wonder if Mumbai even has the appitite for so many but anyways lets have fun while it lasts.

Try the classic yogurt with some fresh strawberries, sprinkles, M&M’s, cheesecake, raisins, nuts, biscuit crumble, or fresh fruit of the season. cant wait for mangoes 🙂 . I think its a great way to introduce a lot of flavours. It looks packed with colour, masti and the kids love to choose their own toppings. Try and skip the sugar candies marshmallows & candy floss. Its nice for kids to make choices sometimes. We cannot be autocratic all the time. You can try the plain chocolate too its quite delicious.

If you were to compare the nutritional value of ice cream vs. yogurt its not like one is healthier than the other as both have enough fat and sugar maybe the yogurt has slightly less.

We dont indulge only in some sinful yet healthy yogurt for desert alone. Try it on a sunny afternoon or just as you walk along with your little one. Darn, the only problem is these babies with their memories know exactly which store is where and so the next time you pass by be ready for some GIMMIES!

So moms loosen up a little and lets give in to this one and go ahead and try the one closest to you. 🙂

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