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The past few days have been crazy for all of us. We are all craving for that one pick-me-up. Be it a comfort meal, a song collection you love, or baking banana bread- we all resort to our favourites. For me, it has always been reading. And luckily, my daughters are now avid readers too. It wasn’t an easy journey initially I must confess.
But over the years, I have employed certain tried and tested tricks that made my kids fall in love with reading, and now there’s no going back! Click here to access the video where I share my tested tricks to help you raise a bookworm.
Recently, I was caught by my daughters while reading a few pages in between preparations for office meetings! I have always found comfort in books and that’s what I am talking to you about today on KSP TV. As a part of our World Book Day specials, I list 3 books that shaped me as a child and had a lasting influence on my growing years. The list is big, but I am going to cut it down to the top 3!
1. Little Women
The past few days have been crazy for all of us. We are all craving for that one pick-me-up. Be it a comfort meal, or a song collection you love, or baking banana bread- we all resort to our favourites. For me, it has always been reading. And luckily, my daughters are now avid readers too. Wasn’t an easy journey initially I must confess.
But over the years, I have employed certain tried and tested tricks that made my kids fall in love with reading and now there’s no going back! Click here to access the video where I share my tested tricks to help you raise a bookworm.
Recently, I was caught by my daughters while reading a few pages in between preparations for office meetings! I have always found comfort in books and that’s what I am talking to you about today on KSP TV. As a part of our World Book Day specials, I list 3 books that shaped me as a child and had a lasting influence in my growing years. The list is big, but I am going to cut it down to the top 3!
1. Little Women
Today, I talk about Little Women- one of our favourites at Kidsstoppress and what it taught me in my growing-up years. There is something in it that makes you want to re-read the classic. Don’t you agree? Click here to read the values we learned from the book.
2. Vardaan
I must admit. My daughters are more avid readers than I was at their age. They are ready to explore books that are greater than their reading levels and dwell deep into books than what we did back then when we were kids. But as much as they live in the world of Percy Jacksons and Enid Blytons, it is essential we introduce them to the world they actually live in. The one around us. The world of regional books- and books in the mother tongue.
I talk about one of my favourites by the iconic Munshi Premchand and what that book has taught me in the process. I remember reading a lot of his collections s a part of our school literature as well as at home. My parents introduced me to the world of Gujarati and Marathi books too, and today I am doing the same with my girls. Click here if you want in on some of the regional books we loved for our kids.
Also, click here if you want to access some amazing stories for kids in Hindi (videos)
3. The Three Questions
Why this classic? Today as we stay confined to our houses, unable to step out and meet our friends and family, as kids watch their teachers on a 14-inch screen- there is a lot to crib and complain about. Or not! Teach your kids why it is important to rise above all of this and live life by imbibing the values of gratitude, empathy, and humility. Values that never go out of vogue! Do your young readers read enough short stories? Novels and series are great, but introduce them to the magical world of short stories by these literary giants.
So what are your favourite books from your childhood that you drew inspiration from? Talk to us in the comments below. Also, we have some fabulous reading lists (and more in the making!) that are curated by age, and interests for your kids. Access them all in our #KSPBookClub + get more recommendations.