New Study Reveals Children’s Intelligence Levels Are Directly Inherited From Moms!

With experiments conducted on rats, the scientists concluded that paternal genes were found dominant in the limbic system that determined the primal and instinctive functions of the child such as sex, food and aggression. After the study, the scientists also concluded brain development happens because of the mothers genes, but how well your childs body develops depends on the fathers genes.

It’s official! Moms are responsible for the intelligence level of their children. We knew it already, didn’t we?! This fact comes from a recent study by researchers in Glasgow. They interviewed over 12686 people between the age groups 14-22 and they concluded that the best predictor of the child’s intelligence was the mother’s IQ. The father’s genes are also responsible for passing on the advanced cognitive functions to the child, but they are either automatically deactivated or remain suppressed. Researchers from the University of Washington stated that genes influencing intelligence are carried on the X chromosome. And women have 2 X chromosomes, compared to men who have only one.

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What does a child inherit from the father?

  • With experiments conducted on rats, the scientists concluded that paternal genes were found dominant in the limbic system that determined the primal and instinctive functions of the child such as sex, food and aggression.
  • For the cognitive functions like reasoning and thought, that come from the cerebral cortex, it was found that the paternal genes were absent.
  • After the study, the scientists also concluded brain development happens because of the mother’s genes, but how well your child’s body develops depends on the father’s genes.
  • Also traits such as intuition and emotions, were usually linked to paternal genes.

It was further proven that intelligence levels of the child are not influenced entirely by their genes. The environment in which a child grows up and is exposed to plays a crucial role, as well. And the focus of the research was on the emotional connect between the mother and the child. It was noted that an emotionally strong bond with the mother gives a child a sense of security which allows them to explore the world, and the confidence to solve problems. In addition, devoted, attentive mothers tend to help children solve problems, further helping them to reach their potential. These kids were found to have 10 percent larger hippocampus- the area of the brain associated with memory, learning and stress response.

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