Parent-Child Bonding: How To Get It Right?

Mansi Zaveri in a recent video with Mint Lounge spoke about 5 simple ways to establish the right parent-child bonding in your homes.
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We have grown up thinking that the parent’s nest is the safest cocoon for a child to grow and flourish. But do you know that this is NOT True in most cases across the world? I was shocked when I heard about this too.

A statistic from World Health Organisation states that over 300 million children in the world, aged between 2-4 years regularly suffer from physical punishment and/or psychological violence at the hands of Parents and Caregivers.

Child maltreatment is not just physical or sexual and emotional abuse, but also the hidden and lesser obvious things such as neglect, exploitation, and ill-treatment that leave a serious and lasting impact on the child. Are we inadvertently becoming the cause of this as a generation of parents?

And the root cause of this stems from unhappy child-parent bonding at home. How do we as parents not contribute to this and instead foster a flourishing environment for our kids?

Mansi Zaveri in a recent video with Mint Lounge spoke about 5 simple ways to establish the right parent-child bonding in your homes. These are simple, actionable tips that don’t require you to make very big changes to your lifestyle.

Here are the 5 points she has suggested. Watch this video to know how you can action them at home too!

1. Establishing the right communication channel with your kids

2. Spending quality time with them. The hours don’t count- the valuable minutes do.

3. Defining your core values and establishing the right boundaries.

4. Don’t bubblewrap your kids. Be a sounding board, not a hoverer.

5. Work on creating infinite memories with your child that they will cherish for a long time.

Watch this video and share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

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