The Secret Recipe To Get Your Kids Interested In The World Of Reading

Get access to curated book-lists with titles by Indian and International authors, actionable tips to get kids to like reading and exclusive interviews with authors- all of this at KSP Book Club.
ksp book club

Hey there,

Mommies- we know how exhausting it is to teach the kids a new skill and get them to stick to it. And the patience and perseverance that is needed from our end, in ensuring a habit stays with them- is a different topic altogether!

I am a reader by choice- won’t call myself an avid one. But I wanted my girls to start on a habit that will help them think better and get a better perspective of all things in the world. I would get my 6-month to old sit on my lap while I turn the pages of a big, bright, and colourful picture book. A perfect Insta-capture moment! For all of 6 seconds!

She would storm off to do something else, climb on something more interesting or take recourse on the iPad for rhymes or apps. I will confess- I would want to give up on this ordeal of introducing new books to her and make reading a habit. It was taxing, I accept.

But down the line, I am happy I didn’t. As she grew up she found comfort in the pages of her books. Her tastes keep varying by the way. One day she is all into wizards and magic and potions and in a few weeks’ time, she dwells deep into knowing more about India’s freedom fighters. That to me- as a mom of an aspiring reader– is victory, my friends!

We at Kidsstoppress decided to sit down and make this process easier for fellow parents. As bonafide book aficionados, we have taken the curation of books upon us, so that you have some time to breathe in and you don’t lose patience and energy in the process.

Our all-new premium subscription programme for parents of aspiring readers is now LIVE and we are super excited!

Join the KSP Book Club programme to know what you need to do as a parent to get your kids started on a wonderful habit for a lifetime!

Get access to curated book-lists with titles by Indian and International authors, actionable tips to get kids to like reading and exclusive interviews with authors- all of this at KSP Book Club.

More on the programme- the benefits and why you absolutely must not miss out on this page- click here now!

Go ahead and join the subscription to make 2022 the year of raising a reader- who doesn’t treat reading as punishment but as a habit for life! Tell us in the comments what are the difficulties you face when raising a reader.


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