What Every Mom Wants To Tell Her To-Be Born Child

Here’s what runs through the mind of an expectant mom- what she aspires to convey to her child, when he/she is born.

Hi there,

You are currently in the safest possible place on Earth, my little one. But you will be out soon. 

You will be ready to face the world, as much as the world is excited to welcome you. 

There will be people who say you could have been born fairer, richer and more beautiful. Ignore and stay away from them.

And there are some who will say, you are very fair, lucky and too beautiful. Ignore and stay away from them too. 

I can't promise you that every single day will be a bed of roses. And all will work in your favour. No. But I shall go to any extent to make sure that happens, to the best of my limits.

You will figure out how to shape your life. You will have the wisdom to make that decision. But whatever path you choose, remember I shall be there, waiting to hold you when you fall and cheering you when you win. 

Waiting to be born again in my new role as your parent,




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