Am I good parent?

There were times when I defended a wrong act just to avoid a conflict with family or the husband. There were times when I wondered why my daughter is crying and I am so helpless in understanding why is she doing that. There were times when I didnt do what other moms usually did and doubted my abilities of being a good mom.

This is a question I am sure a lot of us as moms or dads ponder over and I am no different. Like I always say and believe there are no rules to parenting. There is no wrong or right in parenting. Parenting is individual and its a very special relationship and bond you establish with your child over a period of time. I also believe that its very circumstantial and they play a huge role in determining every act of the child and parent. Its a very act and react situation. There is impulse, anger, unconditional love, fatigue, patience and above all understanding of a human which according to me is the most complicated study ever. Over 3 and a half years I would want to believe that I have been a good parent. There were lots of wrongs I did that I would want to correct in the future. There were some rights that made me a better and stronger mom and shaped my daughter the way she is today. There were lots of decisions I took which seemed difficult then but in hindsight just seemed perfect now or some which I would love to reverse but am unable to do. There were times when I didn’t know how to justify my acts and times when I judged other moms.  There were times when I defended a wrong act just to avoid a conflict with family or the husband. There were times when I cried in the middle of the night wondering how much my life had changed and nobody understands me. There were times when I wondered why my daughter is crying and I am so helpless in understanding why is she doing that. Times when tears rolled down for I regret being mean, harsh or separating her from me. There were times when I had a breakdown but I put a strong face and behaved like I had the best life ever. There were times when I didn’t do what other moms usually did and doubted my abilities of being a good mom. Times when I got back late from work and didn’t want to do the garden but still gave in with a blank mind. I am sure the list is endless and the answers and reasoning infinite. But I also know that when I look back over the last 3 and a half years I know that I tried. Motherhood is the only thing nobody teaches you and there is no school or college you can attend to get a degree.  With all the tears there were many cheers, joys, and moments that made me the person I am today. A better person if I may add. I don’t know if I have been a good parent or not but I know I gave it my all. Someone once told me when I was growing up and it stayed with me. If you haven’t been ever hated by your kids you have not been a good parent. So moms and dads don;’t be too harsh on yourself. Give yourself a pat on the back for all that you have done as it was n’t an easy job at all.

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