Are You Missing Out On This Crucial Factor In Your Parenting Journey?

As parents, let’s take a pledge to bring back the humour and zing in our parenting journeys to make it more worthwhile and enjoyable.

Well, we hear you, parents! 

No one told you that the journey of parenting will be THIS difficult; stuffed with its layers of complexity and uncertainties, but finding the joy amidst all the chaos is what makes the journey worthwhile, don't you agree?! Amidst all the challenges and struggles in parenting, ask yourself this one question. Do you miss out on enjoying the journey? Are you missing out on the positives and focussing only on the darker side? Time to ponder! 

As parents, let's take a pledge to bring back the humour and zing in our parenting journeys to make it more worthwhile and enjoyable. We moms at Kidsstoppress, strongly believe in it- and start our day with a fresh cup of coffee and some genuine dose of Insta humour. And that was exactly the topic of this interesting panel discussion at Crossword Bookstores between Swati Popat Vats, Mansi Zaveri and Seema Punwani. 

The 3 moms thoroughly enjoyed this frank panel discussion where the spoke about their parenting journey, the everyday struggles, how parents get consumed by the overwhelming stress and hos a subtle streak of humour can make it all a lot easier! 

Swati Poat Vats- Educationist and Author- had the audience in splits when she described how parents get worked up and are forced to believe that kids are bestowed by God with the sole intent to irritate them! She had some really good things to share to the audience about how parents must take it light, learn to play it by the day and be conscious that the young midns are watching them all day long. 

Seema Punwani- Mom and Author shared her views on how parents complicate the whole parenting thing with unnecessary comparisons and mar the joys of childhood. Explaining to kids to take things easily and help them understand the facts and realities of life is important, she explained. 

Mansi Zaveri- Mom, Founder- believes in #SimplifyingParenting and talked about how amidst all the chaos, parents are on the hunt for that streak of humour in their everyday lives and feel reassured when they hear it from fellow moms who have gone through the same struggles. 

The trio discussed how parents push aside their passion and interests after the kids are born and end up on a wild goose chase hunting happiness. They concurred that parenting is indeed the toughest job and parents must work hard to ensure humour doesn't exit amidst the struggles. Watch this video- we are sure you will nod and laugh along! 



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