I have been down and out and I am sure a lot of you are. Not just physically. But emotionally, considering all that is happening around us. Watching a movie with my kids was probably the last thing on my mind but I pushed myself to do that because a pandemic is not their problem. They haven't complained in the last 1 year and the least I can do is continue our weekend movie watching ritual as a family so there is some sort of routine for them. They deserve it.
I watched the Pursuit of Happyness starring Will Smith and his son Jaden Smith and while it's not a light movie it taught me so many things as a parent. It is a 2006 film about an average guy with a very average or rather below average life (That's how it is measured, nowadays, right?!) Not having even $5 on some days in his wallet doe not impact his love for his child and more importantly his level of patience.
Here's the trailer in case you haven't watched it yet.
Here's why I totally recommend it:
1. It makes you understand life is uncertain and "Sh*t happens!" 2020, if not any other year in the past has taught us all that much.
2. For a generation that is slowly becoming entitled with all the options we are presenting to them, this movie teaches you to learn to love what you have.
3. If you are cribbing about how little you have and how you deserve a lot more, breathe. What is today will not be yours forever. Life changes and gives everyone a chance
4. Parents need to be patient. It's never your child's fault. Even in his worst times he never for once yelled at his child. He was always so patient and sometimes you need to tell them the truth but not spell it out
5. Trust, trust, trust. His child trusts him unconditionally and that's what matters. Earn that trust of your child.
6. Even in your worst times, think of a solution. when Will Smith walks into an interview without his business suit but gives an out-of-the-box answer. Out of the box is not an art you can learn but a thing you can work on. Comes in handy in all spheres of life.
7. Help others. Simple but effective. 2020 and now 2021 are all about reaching out to others in times of difficulty.
8. Never be shy of where you come from. Teach your kids all about their roots while raising them to be global citizens.
Now go watch the movie and if you love it don't forget to share it with a screenshot and tag me on Instagram, it's @mansi.zaveri. If there is any other recommendation for a feel-good movie, do let us know in the comments below. We are working on a curated list and we will be sharing that with you very soon.