Childrens movies that you cant miss in 2015

Paddington on 16th January 20152. Snoopy & Charlie Brown on 6th November14.

Here is the list of family movies you should look out for in 2015. The release dates may vary in India.

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1. Paddington on 16th January 2015

2. Cinderella on 13th March

3. Spongebob Movie: Sponge out of the water on 6th February

4. Home on 27th March

5. Avengers: Age of the Ultron on 1st May

6. Jurassic World on 12th June

7. Inside Out on 19th June

8. Minions on 10th July

9. Antman on 17th July

ant man

10. Peter Pan on 17th July

11. Hotel Transylvania on 25th September

12.  Jungle Book on 9th October


13. Snoopy & Charlie Brown on 6th November

14. The Good Dinosaur on 25th November


15. Star Wars: The Force Awakens on 18th December


Image Source: imgkid

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