Face Puffy When You Wake Up? This Tip From Alia Bhatt Can Help

Glowing skin is something we all want. Check out Alia Bhatt’s skincare regime in 6 easy steps!

Did you know your skin is the largest organ in your body? Now your skin is exposed to so many things like the sun, environmental pollutants and your in some cases your erratic lifestyles. Once the damage is done, it can be difficult to reverse it. Which is why a good skincare routine is so important. The younger you are when you start it, the better, but it is never too late to establish healthy habits.

Your skin sheds itself daily, a major reason you must begin taking care of it. Future skin can be dull with lots of imperfections if not cared for properly. That’s why it is so important to take care of your skin now — to protect your future skin.

We all want shiny smooth skin. So if you are wondering should your morning skincare routine be different from your nighttime routine then you need to hear what Vogue beauty expert Dr Geetika Mittal Gupta of Isaac Luxe says. 

Also if your skin is prone to acne, this home remedy works like a miracle. Its made with ingredients found easily at home

Truth be said I keep wondering how do celebrities sport such amazing skin despite all the make-up they use and the heavy lighting they work under. We loved actress Alia Bhatt's video on her skincare routine. It's simple and doesn't really take long to do – just what every busy mom needs! Check it out here

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