Favourite Apps On The Apple Watch

Who said technology is distracting all the time? We have downloaded apps that notify us when to take work blocks, drink water, meditate, apps for exercising, and more. Tune in and find out.

While many of us are talking about how we need to distance ourselves from technology and it is really distracting, we would say that if you use technology for all the right things – you can be more productive, organized, and do things you never did before. It's just about using it the right way. 

My iPad is filled with apps – be it storytelling apps for children or edutainment apps but I also rely on apps that help me stay more productive at work and help reach goals I want to – be it exercise goals or work goals. 

Today, we are going to share with your apps that are my favourite for the Apple Watch. Believe it or not, the notifications can be distracting but it also allows you to decide if you want to attend to that call, email, text at that time without checking your phone. 

Tune in to watch us tell you the best drinking app, exercising app, cycle tracking app and more!  

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