Fun Ways To Teach Your Kids To Ride A Bicycle

The wind in your hair as you ride down a slope, the sheer joy of pounding the street as you pedal your way through, the thrill and excitement of being one with nature and humanity as you take in sights and sounds as you make your way to your destination. So if you are planning to take the plunge and teach your child how to ride a bike this year, we at KSP have rounded up some useful links on how you can do just that.

One of life’s basic skills is riding a bicycle. There are many who don’t know how to and Oh! are they missing out on a lot! The wind in your hair as you ride down a slope, the sheer joy of pounding the street as you pedal your way through, the thrill and excitement of being one with nature and humanity as you take in sights and sounds as you make your way to your destination. As a parent, I yearned to pass on this skill to my children. I wanted them to have the same sense of independence I had when I first learned to ride a bike. As I am sure you are too!

So if you are planning to take the plunge and teach your child how to ride a bike this year, we at KSP have rounded up some useful links on how you can do just that. Watch these videos and pick up some cool and fun tips you could try.

Happy riding!

1. Teach Your Kid To Ride A Bike – How To Ride A Balance Bike

2. Jillian Learns How to Ride a Bike! GoPro Hero 3+ Black Edition Action!

3.Bike Safety Tips from First 5 LA

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