Growing Pains In Children- When Should You Be Worried?

Most kids with growing pains have pain in their thighs, calves, shins, or behind the knees. The pain usually is in both legs and does not involve the joints. What should you do about it? Read this

I remember a 2-3-year-old child was brought to see me with terrible leg pains which would make him wake up in the night shrieking. The parents would obviously resort to Adol to help him with the pain and get him to sleep and by the time he was brought to see me he had had Adol for 6 months! ( stumps me totally why would someone give Adol for 6 months?)

What Are Growing Pains?

Another reason for the terrible pains could be

He had developed full-blown gastritis by then and was walking around with a bloated stomach which further compromised his nutrition.

The Remedy

A complete history clearly revealed what this child needed

A simple Homoeopathic remedy was given along with one of my favourite mineral salts, Mag Phos 6x once every day for a month.

His nightly pains stopped in the first week itself. And we continued the treatment for a month to help him resolve his drug-induced gastritis.

Parents need to analyze that if you are doing one thing repeatedly like giving Adol for leg pain and the child continues to still complain, it’s time to look at an alternative approach.

Does Homoeopathy Work For Growing Pains?

Don’t think homoeopathy takes too long. Just look at this case above and please tell me which took longer.

Do share this information with all parents you know who have young children. So that we help our young children have better health and not merely numb their pain so they can sleep. That sleep is precious, it can repair. You May as well make use of that rather than do a band-aid approach.

Homoeopathy truly scores here.

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