The pandemic sure has opened a world of new opportunities for our kids, but at the same time it has opened a world of mental stress too! New environment, new rules and new everything comes with a lot of situations where kids are left feeling overwhelmed. So, how do we help them fight this overwhelm feeling? Well, by teaching them resilience!
What is Resilience?
Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties or tough situations. We need to teach our kids to be resilient so that they don’t get stuck feeling low or uninterested when facing an overwhelming scenario. But it’s not a one day task, rather a gradual process. Find out in this episode, how this mom built resilience in her kids.
Do listen to the entire episode if you want to know more about being a conscious parent. And find out simple tips of how you can build resilience in your kids. Trust me, it’s a really important skill!
If you are a podcast lover and need your child to be one too, you have come to the right place. Don’t forget to hop over to our Kids’ Podcast – I Am Not Bored – where we share fun facts, news for kids, and stories!
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