Its 2 pink lines again!!!

I am now in my second trimester so yes have crossed the official 90 day period after which you can share the news with everybody. Its not been easy the second time around only because I was very sick towards the latter half of the day but I have been thankful to god for just keeping me fine and mobile that the daughters schedule and life wasn’t disturbed at all. Its not strange that the first kick of the baby was an important news for me to share with my daughter vs. my husband.

I cannot express in words though I love writing and for someone who is never at loss of words what a feeling it is when you see those pink lines again! Happy, wow, anxiety, knowing what you getting into all over again, a baby for my most precious possession in the world, …. If you havn't guessed it already I am gonna be a mommy again and it feels beautiful. I am now in my second trimester so yes have crossed the official 90 day period after which you can share the news with everybody. The minute I share the news with anyone there first question is how is my daughter taking it? My answer is she is the most excited one. She has been my anchor, confidante and caretaker all through these last 4 months. We took the pregnancy test together and I have to confess the look on her face when the first line appeared and then the second was priceless. I explained to her that if we get two pink lines then god has sent the baby and if not maybe he is busy and will send him later. It was our little secret and trust me she kept it through the first trimester. There was never a moment that she blurted it out anywhere at all. Even before telling her dad she wanted to take my permission because it was 'our lil secret'. Its not been easy the second time around only because I was very sick towards the latter half of the day but I have been thankful to god for just keeping me fine and mobile that the daughters schedule and life wasn't disturbed at all.  Strangely this time around its not been a couple pregnancy but a triology enjoying every new development and all the limitations that came on board. We are enjoying this one as a family and I think thats what makes this one so special. Its not strange that the first kick of the baby was an important news for me to share with my daughter vs. my husband. I wanted her to feel it first. Mommies who have been there done that would love you to share your experiences!!! For the first sono I was nervous and numb. Hearing that heart beat this time made me feel responsible all over again being in charge of another new life. Felt rewarded that maybe I did a good job with the first one so god trusted me with a second. I am en route to the journey of motherhood and feels so good to share my experiences with all other moms out there.

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