Mother’s Day Special: The Sisterhood Of The Ever Guilty Mummies

After a woman gives birth to her child, she unwittingly becomes part of a club of sorts, a secret group, a sisterhood; one comprised solely of mummies.

After a woman gives birth to her child, she unwittingly becomes part of a club of sorts, a secret group, a sisterhood; one comprised solely of mummies.

You know you’re a member when you get empathetic glances from across rooms, while your child screams, rolling across the floor. You’ll get helpful advice from complete strangers on planes to calm your child down, as he suffers through an ear ache. Suddenly, potty, vomit and pee-pee humour are completely acceptable even in posh restaurants and forgetfulness and clumsiness are excused because every mother understands the trappings of the “mummy brainâ€_x009d_.

Motherhood seems to calm even the most mercurial ones amongst us, and we form this strange bond with each other. We swap delivery stories, tricks to overcome food fussiness and ways to tackle, the endless cold, fever and sickness cycles. We’re irritated by stubborn belly fat, plagued by constant worry, fight sleep deprivation and withstand it all for a love of children that surpasses every other type of love there is.

KLAY- Mother's Day- Motherhood

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We go through periods of self-doubt. After another forgotten dental appointment or rummaging through a truck-sized bag to realize we’re missing a clean diaper or a pacifier or formula, we ask ourselves, “am I really a good parent?” and lean on each other for the reminder, that we are humans, and as prone to mistakes as any other.

In today’s world of growing nuclear families, and diminishing elderly presence, this Sisterhood of Ever Guilty Mummies is incredibly valuable, especially because today’s Mummies tend to wear so many hats. She chases her dreams but remains resolute about providing her children with the very best opportunities for learning and growing well.

This Mother’s Day, why not start by giving yourself a break? At KLAY the proud members of this Sisterhood are eager to help young mothers through their parenting journeys, as they negotiate the balance between the needs of their children and their own needs.

KLAY is India’s most trusted Day Care and Preschool group. With 5 years of experience and 58 centers across India, rest assured you’re leaving your child with India’s most trusted parenting experts. KLAY offers high quality, personalized care and education which ensures your child will flourish in a beautifully crafted, child-centric environment while you’re climbing that corporate ladder or just relishing the fact that your child is spending time and “learning” from her little friends and her environment. If you are a new mother, looking to return to work or just wanting some “me” time, while still being committed to giving your little one the very best start in life, KLAY has a special gift for you!

This Mother’s Day, enrol your bundle of joy at the KLAY center closest to you and avail of their award-winning preschool and/ or daycare services at a special rate! They admit children between the ages of 6 months to 6 years. And if you’re already a KLAY Mother, why not pay it forward? Introduce a mom to us, and both of you can enjoy 10% off on tuition fees! Kind of a win-win on Mother’s Day!

KLAY- playschool- gift voucher

Kidsstoppress readers can use promo code KLAY20KS to avail the special discount! Please visit:  for more information. Valid for a limited period and on a first come first serve basis.

Happy Mother’s Day! Watch this Mother’s Day special video by KLAY.


This post is written in association with KLAY Daycare and Preschool Group.

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