Do you feel that we are raising our children in abundance and we don’t know if that is going to shape them to be humble in the future?
Most of us would like to believe that our kids don’t behave entitled. But do they appreciate what they have? Do they often disregard the wants and needs of others to make sure their own wants and needs are met first.
We live in an age of overabundance, instant gratification, selfies, and helicopter parenting, at a time when kids get prizes or ribbons just for participation. Parents are working long hours and have a limited amount of time to spend with their kids, and all too often the word “no” is replaced with gifts or a blind eye to keep the peace. Limits and consequences often fall by the wayside. Our kids are out of control, and many of them lack basic traits such as empathy, a solid worth ethic, kindness, and a sense of personal responsibility.
Here’s what Sudha Murty has to say on parenting styles, mistakes parents make and things we should change right away.
Do let us know how you avoid the entitlement trap for yoru children and write to us at [email protected].