10 Things Every Mom At 35 Is Thinking About That Has Nothing To Do With Her Children

Greying hair and wrinkles – An irreversible sign of ageing that no mom at 35 can ignore, she is reminded about them every time she sneaks a peek in the mirror or when a friend good naturedly advises her that it is time she started thinking about hair colour or night cream. Sure we like planning holidays with our family but when we watch movies like Zindagi na Milegi Dobara which show a bunch of friends going on a road trip or when we hear our friends talk about their recent trip to Ladakh, don’t we all secretly wish we could ditch the family and responsibilities and just go have fun with the girlfriends? Go back to work – Many of us who have taken a sabbatical from work are wondering if we did the right thing by calling it quits or when we see so many of our friends who are still single at 35 but living independently, the thought of going back to work does cross our mind more than once. Find myself a better job – 35 is also the age when most of the working moms tend to review their career graph.

Are you surprised when I say a 35 year old woman has other things on her mind other than her biological clock and kids? Well, there is no denying the fact that children take over our lives to a point where they are all we are thinking about, but there are other things on our mind too you know!

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Here are 10 things every mom at 35 is thinking about. Let us know if you agree. 

1. Greying hair and wrinkles  – An irreversible sign of ageing that no mom at 35 can ignore, she is reminded about them every time she sneaks a peek in the mirror or when a friend good naturedly advises her that it is time she started thinking about hair colour or night cream.

2.Getting back in shape There is always enough pressure on mothers to get back to the pre pregnancy shape immediately after childbirth. Our well meaning friends, family members, and even our neighbours pitch in with ‘helpful’ suggestions. With hardly a month to go before the big New Year’s Eve party that is really all we can think about now isn’t it? How do we fit into our sexy LBD without taking our belly flab as our plus one for the evening?

3. Travelling to a new place all by yourself – It is not always the child friendly weekend getaways that moms look for. Sure we like planning holidays with our family but when we watch movies like  Zindagi na Milegi Dobara which show a bunch of friends going on a road trip or when we hear our friends talk about their recent trip to Ladakh, don’t we all secretly wish we could ditch the family and responsibilities and just go have fun with the girlfriends? Hello bucket list!

4. Spend time with the right people – Most of  the time we moms end up socialising with fellow parents from our child’s school or the people we meet because our children play together. But don’t we all just want to ditch the mommy talk and be with school, college friends and talk until the wee hours of morning just like old times?

5. Learn something new This is something I often get to hear from other moms. The everyday routine of getting the kids ready for school, going to work, cooking dinner can become mundane and that’s when the yearning to learn something new kicks in. It could be anything that gets us to break out of our routine and get back to studying!

6. Be on top of what’s happening around the world –  The Indrani Mukherjee story that was big news in India or the recent attacks in Paris reaches mommy’s ears as well. We do want to be on top of current affairs so we indulge in some nightly reading when we can to catch up on daily news so that we can be part of current affairs discussions as well!

7. Go back to work – Many of us who have taken a sabbatical from work are wondering if we did the right thing by calling it quits or when we see so many of our friends who are still single at 35 but living independently,  the thought of going back to work does cross our mind more than once.

8. Find myself a better job – 35 is also the age when most of the working moms tend to review their career graph. Have you ever questioned yourself  – Is there something else that I can do better than my current role? I want to do more than a 9 to 5 job will that be okay with my family? Should I start something on my own?

9. Reinvent myself – By 35, moms also tend to think about what they can do to improve the quality of their life. Is their identity linked to being a mother or are will they be known for other things? They often question if they have realised their full potential as a person and how they can work on self development.

10. Make a difference – Around 35 moms also want to help others. They see their life/family/career as close to perfection and complete and want to spread the joy. For instance as Christmas approaches and I watch my daughter prepare her Christmas list for Santa I am thinking of ways to teach her to to give to others more than get for herself. Charity plays a big role at this stage.

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