After 2 years of battling the pandemic and struggling with online classes, schools are open and children have taken to them very happily. Frankly, it’s everything that we as parents were waiting for.
For children of higher classes, it was imperative they went back to school to learn things in the proper environment, in the presence of their teachers and friends. And for tiny tots, it was important they get accustomed to the classroom setup and acclimatize to staying away from home for a few hours.
But as a parent of a child in the intermediate age group, let me confess, it is no cakewalk for them either. Grade 1 to Grade 4 or 5 is when they start taking school seriously at the same time, enjoying the learning process. But with the 2-year gap, here is what parents across the board observed in children in this age group:
- Lack of focus.
- Handwriting going for a toss
- Inability to understand certain topics
As parents, how do we ensure we make the transition of back-to-school smooth and easy for the kids before the dreaded exam season begins? And more importantly, how do we do it in a way that removes the fear out of children’s minds and make learning an enjoyable journey?
On Kidsstoppress today, we share 4 actionable tips with you, that will help your children in grade school (esp grades 1-5) focus better on academics while not doing it with a frown on their faces!
1. Set up a routine
Till they are in the nursery and kindergarten stages, a routine isn’t something your kids are familiar with. At least for academics. But just like how every part of their day, playtime, TV time, and sleep time is documented and executed to maintain stability, it is essential we do that for studies too. Earmark a time of the day and remember to stick to it to help them understand that it is the time to reflect, revise and learn the topics they covered in school. They will adapt to it sooner than you think.
2. Do not do your kids’ homework. Just assist them.
Yes, sometimes it does get tempting to finish it off, than spending hours helping them understand why 1×1 = 1, still! But jokes apart, there is a difference between helping and doing their homework. You must remember – these are habit-forming and you don’t want them to be dependent.
3. Do not nag. Saying it 15 times won’t help!
Why change your relationship at home because you want them to do their homework at a designated time? Don’t say it 15 times. Create rules, set a routine, and give them enough free playtime! You will be surprised!
4. Use Activity-based Worksheets:
Worksheets for kids have always been my go-to choice to keep them engaged when I am outside as well as keep the learning part going, albeit in a fun way. We had earlier shared with you how worksheets can help your kids interested in particular topics and they are also a great means of entertaining and educating them. When we came across the activity-based worksheets from Hewlett Packard’s PLC (Print Learn Center), we knew we found something exciting for the kids plus something that gets the parent’s nod too!
They aim to make learning more interactive for children from 3-12 years with their range of worksheets and learning resources designed by India’s leading early-years educationalists. On the Print Learn Center website, you will find paper-pencil-based activities and tasks that help children improve their understanding and application of concepts.
The team at Print Learn Center in talks with senior educationalists and early-years educators has designed worksheets that are apt for children, right from kindergartners to busy tweens who are handling multiple subjects! These are designed on the LAR framework (Learn- Apply- Resolve). This unique approach enables your children to understand basic concepts, retain them in long-term memory and apply them when called upon.
You can now download these worksheets from toddlers to teens on the Print Learn Center website. Go ahead, filter it by category of your choice, and voila! Hours of entertainment and learning are guaranteed!
Here are some of the sample worksheets for class 3 (age 8-9) that we are loving on the PLC site.
Geography: India- Concepts
Independent Living Skills: Financial Literacy
English: Grammar, Vocabulary and Spellings
Math: Geometry Concepts, Co-ordinates and Symmetry
Technology: Algorithms, Pixel Art Coding, Crypts and Robotics
Whoa! Don’t they look so interesting and fun? Well, there are so many more worksheets on the website, download it right away here!
So, go ahead and try out these and the many more options available on their website, and let us know how they helped you. Talk to us in the comments below!