Today’s Activity: Stuff the Sock

Ask your child to tear the newspaper into small pieces and keep stuffing it until the sock is full. Cut a strip of red paper and stitch it up as the tongue or incase you do not have that ask your child to colour a red patch on a plain paper and then make a thin strip like a tongue and sew it up. Once the tongue is sewed in the snake is ready to HISS and becomes a part of your childs toy basket.

This is fun, the kids will love it and its non messy. Yeah!!!! I hear a lot of moms say that when they hear non messy.  Ok so here is the trick to make a stuffed sock SNAKE.


1. Old colourful sock, preferably child’s own sock as its the right length, its colourful and the child recognizes it.

2. 2 Buttons

3. Thread to sew which matches the sock

4. A red paper/ plain paper with red crayons/

5. Scissors

6. Lots of old newspaper


Take the old sock and stuff it with lots of old newspaper. Ask your child to tear the newspaper into small pieces and keep stuffing it until the sock is full. Take a needle & thread and sew up the edge to close it. Keep the stuffing at the end less so it starts tapering at the end. Now stitch the buttons on either side to make the snake. Cut a strip of red paper and stitch it up as the tongue or incase you do not have that ask your child to colour a red patch on a plain paper and then make a thin strip like a tongue and sew it up. You could also use a red plastic bag that you may get off the grocery store.

Once the tongue is sewed in the snake is ready to HISS and becomes a part of your childs toy basket.

I am sure you will have a lot of fun doing this activity just as we did.


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