10 Things To-Do -to make a smooth sailing back to school

Shop for things that your child will be using daily in schoolStationery items Pens, pencils, syllabus books ( keep them cover ready, one activity that kids are always so excited about)Uniforms we advise to keep at least 3 sets readyShoesSchool bagsWater bottles & tiffin boxes go for the simple ones which your child can manage on their own. Enter holidays/Special celebrations and long weekends in your calendarThis is one of the first things I do the minute we get an email from school on the holiday list. Also find out if there are any after school extra curricular activities that you can enroll your child into.Mostly schools schedule them straight after regular school timings to avoid unnecessary commute by both parents and kids. Reset your schedule a week in advanceBasically set your childs body clock a week before as per the school schedule, which means putting your them to bed early,so that they wake up fresh early morning next day.

School starts next week, have you planned for all things school yet? We bring you complete back-to –school- guide to make your shift to the horrid school schedule (as we call it) an easy one.

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Want to know where you can get all the above MUST have school items at one place? Refer our list of 10 places for back-to-school shopping in India.

1. Shop for things that your child will be using daily in school

  • Stationery items – Pens, pencils, syllabus books ( keep them cover ready, one activity that kids are always so excited about)
  • Uniforms – we advise to keep at least 3 sets ready
  • Shoes
  • School bags
  • Water bottles & tiffin boxes – go for the simple ones which your child can manage on their own.
  • Don’t forget to buy a rain wear for you kids , with rainy season hitting us next month anytime in the first week of June. keep a raincoat in the bag to be prepared for those surprise showers.



Image Source: pixshark.com

2. Prepare a list of tiffin and breakfast recipes

To avoid the ever so haunting what-to-make for dabba situation a night before school, plan a weekly tiffin menu & paste it on the fridge door. Here are our 21 Easy School Snack ideas to pack for kids , 8 Breakfast ideas that are delicious, making oatmeal fun


3. Label all belongings

Especially for younger kids who are too small to take care of their own things. Labeling their belongings helps teachers and helpers in school to disburse the kids faster after school and helps avoid last minute mix-ups.


Image Source: Pinterest.com

4. Set up the study table

Get rid of all those paper cut-outs and the other craft items that ruled the study table during the holiday season.


Image Source: cityshor.com

5. Enter holidays/Special celebrations and long weekends in your calendar

This is one of the first things I do the minute we get an email from school on the holiday list. I ensure that it’s entered and saved in the husbands and my calendar. We always have a list of places we want to visit planned in the beginning of the year so it’s a matter of just planning it now.

holiday list 2015

Image Source: india.com

6. Read up about the after-school facilities

Especially if you are using the school bus facilities, familiarize yourself with the bus routes, timings, stops to avoid any delays in drop and pick up timings. You don’t want the other parents waiting too long for their kids to arrive , due to delays from your end. Also find out if there are any after school extra curricular activities that you can enroll your child into.Mostly schools schedule them straight after regular school timings to avoid unnecessary commute by both parents and kids.


Image Source: wigmoreschool.org.uk

7. Print and keep the semester-wise school calendar

Print and keep the semester-wise calendar provided by school on your cupboard / kitchen where you are sure to see it at least once a day. So that you are aware of the upcoming school holidays, special events like open days, and the dress code,etc.


Image Source: freevectorbg.com

8. Reset your schedule a week in advance

Basically set your child’s body clock a week before as per the school schedule, which means putting your them to bed early,so that they wake up fresh early morning next day. And moms read out tips on How to ease up your mornings.


Image Source: aliimg.com

9. Prepare a timetable to be followed once the kids are back from school 

Keep a healthy balance of both play time and after-school assignments.


Image Source: pinimg.com

10. Talk to your child

To prepare him mentally for school, how the first day at school will be, who will be their new teachers, new friends, what new subjects they will be learning about. We all know that it is never so easy to go switch from a long holiday mode to one of rules, regulations, studies and obedience.

talk to your kids

Image Source: topyaps.com

And just in case you are considering Homeschooling this year, read what our guest blogger Rebecca Manari, an Author, Teacher and a Mom has to say on on Homeschooling in India.

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