5 Things You Must Do To Help Your Child Breathe Better In Delhi

How does this affect us in our day-to-day lives? It starts with the dry, persistent cough that keeps us up and the kids up at nights and running nose et al. Here’s a mommy’s guide to battle (if not overcome) the menace of pollution to keep your kids safe in the capital city. 

Tis that time of the year when mommy groups start discussing the AQI more than the day's homework. With just a week to go for Diwali and the stubble burning in the adjacent states in full swing, Delhi is breathing TOXIC AIR. Yes- in capitals! The most dreaded period of the year- it is sad to see our favourite city being dubbed as the 'gas chamber' and the 'pollution capital of the world'.

You may also like: How badly are our kids affected 'coz of the pollution? 

How does this affect us in our day-to-day lives? Well, for starters, cough cough! It starts with the dry, persistent cough that keeps us up and the kids up at nights and running nose et al. Here's a mommy's guide to battle (if not overcome) the menace of pollution to keep your kids safe in the capital city. 


1. Choose your battle wisely. Stay indoors

This is a no-brainer. Watch out for the hazy smog outside your balcony and shut the windows right away. Yes, it does sound a li'l like archaic times, but staying indoors is half the battle won. Thanks to a zillion toys, Amazon Prime and Netflix– entertaining kids indoors isn't really that much of an ordeal. Else, if you are planning a play date with your child's friends choose the right indoor play area, so there is no dearth in the fun quotient. Here's help. 

The best indoor play areas in Delhi-NCR 

Fun & budget-friendly activity kits for your kids! 

Options to entertain kids in the city! 

2. If you didn't know this already- Purifiers and masks ARE necessary:

There is no doubt that nothing is more important than our child's good health. The kids' lungs aren't fully developed up to a particular age and it is imperative that they are not exposed to very toxic fumes that can cause irreparable damage. And that's why a good purifier in your bedroom and child's playroom. Trust us- it helps. Also, start your kids on the practise of putting on masks when they step out. I know it's difficult for the little kids but when they see you start on this as a habit, they are sure to follow soon. Click on these links below to shop for them right away:

The best air purifiers in the Indian market

3. Good health starts in the kitchen, this season:

Not just home remedies and cures, there are a lot of things lying in your pantry that you can use to safeguard your child. Tulsi leaves, cloves, turmeric, peppercorns, jaggery, ghee and honey are absolute essentials all through this season. This mom lists the foods she swears by to battle pollution. Try them today.

6 foods to battle the negative effects of pollution 

Haldi doodh– the ultimate saviour this season! 

4. Monitor air quality constantly & plan right:

aqi delhi

If you are new to Delhi, this season, here are some terms you must know that will become a part of your daily vocabulary in no time. AQI (air quality index), PM2.5, PM 10, etc. To read more on what each of them means and the accepted AQI levels in your city, here is an extensive article that every parent must read. 

Plan your child's outdoor play at the right times. Stepping out when the AQI is high put your child under a big risk- so avoid it right away.  Clearly, as shown below, 12-4pm is the ideal time for play, if you are planning one. 

This mom's handy guide to surviving pollution actually helps 

What does it mean to raise a child in the pollution capital?

5. Plan your Diwali celebrations the right way:

Undoubtedly, the two weeks surrounding Diwali are the worst times in Delhi. Especially, in the last two years. As much as it is important to educate the kids about out culture and celebrations- we need to teach them to stay safe this period in the city. If you have the option, plan a quick getaway with your tiny tots to nearby places. We have some great options listed below- check them out. 

Kid-friendly resorts in and around Delhi 

Best weekend getaways from Delhi 

Get back to roots at this fun getaway- just 1.5 hours from Delhi 

The ideal camping experience for your kids in Delhi

Image source: vox.com


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