ADHD & ADD In Kids: How Technology Can Help

Do you think your child is suffering from ADHD or ADD? This new breakthrough technology could help your child and you cope with it without medication using non-invasive methods.

Parents in Mumbai & New Delhi have started relying on the use of advanced neuro-technology to understand the activity of their child’s brain and improve performance.

Developed in the US with support of NASA, DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency), the US Department of Defence and the US National Institute of Health, NeuroLeap is an evidence-based, risk free approach, proven to have helped businessmen, athletes, celebrities, students and just about anyone in enhancing all aspects of their performance.

What Is NeuroLeap?

The first step itself is revolutionary. With the NeuroLeap Brain Function Assessment now one has a completely scientific and proven way to measure and understand their child’s brain function, feelings, behaviour and performance without having to answer any questions but using technology.

It involves placing sensors on the head to understand neurometric data from your brainwaves after which a detailed report is available. The Brain-computer interface (BCI) enables the brain and device to send signals from the brain to direct some external activity. The easiest and non-invasive method is one which at the base uses a set of electrodes, a device known as an electroencephalograph attached to the scalp. The electrodes can read brain signals and communicate these to a computer.

A consultation session then helps them understand the findings of the data and relate it to their own behaviour and performance. This understanding is invaluable to a person to know their strengths, areas of improvement, the root of their habits and behaviour.

How Does This Technology Work?

Over a series of technology-based sessions at the centre, one can improve several aspects of the brain function including depression, anxiety, ADHD, insomnia, migraine, executive functions, attention, memory, focus and concentration and more. Importantly, there is no medication needed and the tech is completely non-invasive, with no electric current, radiation, ultrasound, magnetic waves involved. Therefore, absolutely free of any side effects.

This technology leverages neuroplasticity, the ability of the brain to change and uses operant conditioning to help the brain self-regulate. It uses the real-time measurement of the brain activity and provides instant rewards upon optimal neuronal activity through feedback. This reinforces the brain at the subconscious level to change itself.

Finally, change that is lasting. Almost any brain can be trained to function better using this technology.

Website: NeuroLeap

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