You’re pregnant and for 9 months you’re carrying a little human being inside you. When you’re expecting, the pregnancy glow and the journey makes those 9 months very special. So to preserve the memories of this wonderful journey, you need to find yourself a professional photographer who will know just how to take all the right shots and present you in just the right light.
We’ve put together a list of maternity photographers in Ahmedabad who can make your pregnancy days special.
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Baby Bump Photography
Baby Bump Photography based in Ahmedabad is one of the most prominent photography firms and they specialize in maternity photoshoots. It is run by Noon Bhavsar who is a well-known and accomplished photographer.
Website: Baby Bump Photography
Facebook: Baby Bump Photography
Contact: 9624996249
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Priyanka Modh’s Photography
Priyanka Modh has been featured among Best Women Photographers in India at various platforms and publications. While she’s great with all subjects maternity, newborn and birth photography is very close to her heart.
Facebook: Priyanka Modh’s Photography
Contact: 9723418183
Lil Portraits
Lil Portraits is a professional photography firm based in Ahmedabad run by a lovely husband and wife duo. The location for the shoot is purely decided on the comfort level of the mother-to-be. She feels that the best shots she gets are during the second trimester of the pregnancy.
Website: Lil Portraits
Facebook: Lil Portraits
Contact: 9727998683
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Paper Tales- Zurich Patel
Paper Tales is a photography company led by Zurich Patel and he undertakes selective maternity photo shoot assignments as he believes in focusing on quality rather than quantity. The location of the photoshoot can be an indoor or an outdoor location and depends on the choice and comfort of the client.
Website: Paper Tales- Zurich Patel
Facebook: Paper Tales- Zurich Patel
Contact: 9998055585
Nili Bhatt Photography
Nili is an upcoming freelance photographer and while doing maternity photoshoots, the comfort of the mother-to-be is of prime importance. She feels that the stage of pregnancy is also very important. For the baby bump to be prominently visible the mother-to-be should be ideally more than eight months pregnant.
Facebook: Nili Bhatt Photography
Contact: 7874067579
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Disclaimer: Names listed here are sourced from recommendations. please do your own research before you make your choice.