Book Review: The Toy Horse by Deepa Agarwal

We would often wonder what do kids on the roads actually play with and how they create their own imaginery toys and this innocent story is just about that. Deepa Agarwal is one of those people who stopped to look and wonder, and care deeply enough to write this tender story of a little girl called Rami.

This is one of our favourite books and its amazing how a simple book, simple story with real illustrations can touch a child’s heart. I remember reading this little book to the daughter when she was as little as may be 2 or 2.5 years. Its still as dear to her and would appeal to children till the age of 6 or 7 years. We would often wonder what do kids on the roads actually play with and how they create their own imaginery toys and this innocent story is just about that.

Deepa Agarwal is one of those people who stopped to look and wonder, and care deeply enough to write this tender story of a little girl called Rami. Rami’s mother makes toy horses to sell.  Unfortunately Rami is not allowed to play with them. Her mother explains to her; “If you play with them, they will get dirty. If they get dirty, I cannot sell them. If I do not sell them, there will not be enough money …to buy flour and dal and vegetables to eat.â€_x009d_

This story effectively highlights the daily struggle for survival of families such as Rami’s. Its not so much about the pain and the pathos of the struggles but the innocence of a little girl who may want a lot of fancy toys but has none and how she parts with her best toy on demand from another child. The almost true-to-life illustrations, add to the charm of the story. Here is a preview of the book and we actually bought it a small book store at Grant road you could actually look for it at stores that stock CBT /NBT publications, it is a must must buy. Priced at Rs. 20/-

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