Book Review: Your Turn Now

Stop by for that old lady who wants to cross, help a little child who stumbled down on trying something new, give way to someone in a hurry or let a pregnant woman or a one with a child go ahead. Priced at Rs 199 with all proceeds going to charity it is a great buy just to get that blue card in your wallet that reminds you there is lots to give.

Your turn now book

Your Turn Now is a concept started by Rushabh Turakhia, penned by Lubaina Bandukwala and published by Preeti Vyas of Fun Ok Please.

It doesn’t take you more than 30 seconds into reading the preface to know that its time for some chicken soup for your soul. The book took me back in time and reminded me of something a very close friend of mine introduced me too ‘Random Kindness’. Stop by for that old lady who wants to cross, help a little child who stumbled down on trying something new, give way to someone in a hurry or let a pregnant woman or a one with a child go ahead.

YTN as I would like to call it to up the cool quotient that makes it more appealing to people today, is penned in a very easy to read and follow pattern. The instances are way too simple and in some cases hard to expect people in this monetary and fast paced life to implement.
You could read them to your young children to inculcate that feeling of share, give, privilege right when they are young. We give our children so much today that they are actually spoilt for choice. It may be a good idea to share these stories with them to make them realize how fortunate they are.

But what it leaves you with is a strong message of what goes around, comes around and nothing goes unnoticed. It makes you realize that its okay to slow down sometimes and give way. As you reach the middle of the book it makes you want that blue card and want it bad. The reason I say that is because it makes you realize there are a myriad opportunities and all you need to do is start.

This short book with frequent illustrations has monthwise record pages for you to track your doings.

Priced at Rs 199 with all proceeds going to charity it is a great buy just to get that blue card in your wallet that reminds you there is lots to give. The only thing I would like to change is not pass my blue card and instead keep it so I practice it over a lifetime and not pass it on just when I am done.

your turn now card

This YTN card is cool and a must have in your wallet. You can read more about them and support their movement on and also like them on Facebook here

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