Doctor Shares Tips To Manage Constipation During Pregnancy

Are you pregnant? Are you suffering from constipation? Don’t worry the expert tells us how you can deal with the discomfort naturally.

Constipation is a common symptom during pregnancy. Almost 1/3rd of all pregnant women tend to suffer from constipation during pregnancy. Some women have constipation at an early stage of their pregnancy, while it does not affect other women until much later on.


Constipation in pregnancy is defined as having less than three bowel movements a week. 

Factors responsible for constipation in pregnancy are

  1. High progesterone levels have a relaxant effect on smooth muscles in the body which then increases the bowel transit time. 
  2. There is increased water absorption from the intestine during pregnancy that dries out the stool.
  3. Later in pregnancy, the direct pressure of the gravid uterus on the bowel can also contribute. 
  4. A decrease in physical activity and an increase in vitamin supplementation (Iron, Calcium etc) can also worsen constipation.
  5. Women who already have constipation pre-pregnancy may experience worsening of symptoms.

Can Lifestyle Changes Help?

  • Drink plenty of fluids. Water is a good choice. Prune juice can help.
  • Include physical activity in your daily routine. Being active can help prevent pregnancy constipation.
  • Include more fibre in your diet. Choose high-fibre foods during pregnancy such as fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains. 

In some chronic cases, these simple measures may not work and in these women, laxatives are the obvious choice. There are various types of laxatives available 

Bulking Agents

Simple bulking agents like Isabgol husk moisten the stool and make it easier to pass. These products are unlikely to harm a developing baby because their active ingredient is not absorbed by the body. They are considered safe for long term use in pregnancy. It may have some unpleasant side effects like gas, bloating etc. Some women also find it quite unpalatable to consume.

Osmotic Laxatives 

Lactulose or Polyethylene glycol is also safe alternatives that can be used in pregnancy as they have minimal systemic absorption. Some women may experience excessive flatulence as a side effect.

Stimulant Laxatives

Bisacodyl or Seena are also not absorbed into the body and can be used as laxatives in pregnancy. However, women may experience some unpleasant side effects like abdominal cramps.

Long term usage of any of the osmotic or stimulant laxatives should be done under medical supervision as it can lead to electrolyte imbalance and can be habit-forming if taken over a long period.

Can Iron Supplements Increase Constipation?

If you are taking Iron supplements, that can also be responsible for worsening the already existing constipation. Iron is an important mineral which is required for the formation of haemoglobin in the body. If your diet is deficient in providing adequate iron to the body, you may have been recommended supplemental iron by your doctor.

Iron not only causes constipation, but it can also change the colour of stools. You might have to take a stool softener if you are taking an iron supplement. Sometimes changing the type of Iron supplement or reducing the strength of Iron medication can help with relieving the symptoms.

Check with your health care provider, however, before taking any medication — including stool softeners and other types of laxatives — to treat pregnancy constipation.

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