How Are The World’s Most Unique Diamonds Made

Wonder how diamonds are crafted and what makes them unique? Listen to this podcast with your little ones and make sure you keep a pen and paper handy!

Did you know that until the 1970s, India was the only source of diamonds around he world? In fact, some of the most famous and legendary diamonds like the Kohinoor, the Hope Diamond and the Regent Diamond were recovered from the mines near the fortress city of Golconda.

Facts like these always make children excited and proud of our country! Today on I Am Not Bored, we share with you fun facts about Diamonds, not many people know! We share with you how India was the only source, then Brazil, and now how Africa plays a big role in sourcing diamonds.

In this episode, we also talk to you about how rough diamonds are crafted into one of the world’s most unique diamonds – a Forevermark Diamond.

Tune in to this podcast and don’t forget to keep a pen and paper ready so your li’l one can answer the Trivia!

P.S Stay tuned to know what next!

This post is written in association with Forevermark.

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