Is Your Child Reading Enough? Find Out In Module 4: #KSPReadingChallenge

Sign up for the reading challenge so your kids can all in love with books just the way they should! Click here to join the waitlist for Phase 2!

The one Q most parents ask themselves is "Is my child reading enough?". How do we put a number on that? How should I compare my child's reading level with her/his peers? How do I know if I am getting them to read enough? 

We look to provide the answers for all this and more in today's 4th module of the KSP Reading Challenge. 

The registrations for Phase 1 of the #KSPReadingChallenge are closed. But don't worry. We have the waiting list open for Phase 2 registrations- so you can go ahead and sign up here. 

In module 1, we saw about the common reasons why some kids hate reading.  It isn't personal, it isn't intentional. But they just don't like it. We dealt with the reasons and understanding the denial in module 1.

In module 2, we saw in detail about the benefits of reading to your kids and how storytelling helps instil creativity in them. 

In module 3, we saw the different methods of evaluation of a child’s reading level and how to identify where your child is. Why is this step important?

In module 4, we will be seeing how you can assess if your child is reading enough, ahead of their peers or falling behind. Remember this is no competition, but it is essential you introduce them to this magical habit early on in life. 

Plus, there is a world of benefits you can get when you sign up for the KSP Reading Challenge: 

  • 7 Modules all this week that help you inch closer towards raising a reader. 
  • FREE 3-months digital access to RobinAge Children's Newspaper
  • Exciting offers from Storytel on the audiobooks of your choice (We will be sharing more about this with you in a short while- so stay tuned!)

Go ahead, and sign up for the reading challenge here.  If you are reading it, don't forget to share screenshots on social media tagging us at @kidsstoppress and @mansi.zaveri and use the hashtag #KSPReadingChallenge. 

Here are some of the happy responses from parents who have signed up for the KSP Reading Challenge:

Also, don't forget to check out for our exclusive Reading Bundles for kids on SFF Premium-it is filtered by age and interests along with tips to raise your young readers. With more than 40+ kids’ bundles on all topics from maths to mindfulness, from STEM to storytelling, and app and book reccos- this is the best way to mindfully engage your kids indoors this season! 

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