Languages: How Many Do You Know + What Makes You A Polyglot?

You may also like: Why speaking two languages makes you a whole lot smarter! In today’s radio spot we focus on bilinguals, polyglots, and talk about some fun facts about languages all over the world.

We all know how to speak and understand English right? But for most of us, English is not the language we speak at home. It could be Gujarati, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam or any of the other 1652 mother tongues spoken in India! 

You may also like: Why speaking two languages makes you a whole lot smarter!

As kids we pick up the mother tongue, or the language spoken at home with our parents, very quickly. It is the language we grow up hearing and it is probably the one we are most comfortable with. When we go to school we learn English and that quickly becomes another language we are comfortable with. So that already makes us bilingual! In today's radio spot we focus on bilinguals, polyglots, and talk about some fun facts about languages all over the world. Like for instance what languages do you need to know to be understood around the world? Like Chinese anyone? 

You may also like: Fun games and easy apps to learn languages! 

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