Suddenly something: Have kids for a better memory

In a research conducted new mothers scored better on tests of visuospatial memory – the ability to perceive and remember information about their surroundings – compared with women who didn’t have children.

I happened to read this article and at a time when I have become so forgetful that this suddenly made me feel better. Researchers have found that new mothers have a better memory – the findings that counter the belief that women experience a decline in memory and cognitive function after they have children.

In a  research conducted new mothers scored better on tests of visuospatial memory – the ability to perceive and remember information about their surroundings – compared with women who didn’t have children.

In pregnancy many physiological changes happen to the body, and previous research has suggested the brain even shrinks up to five per cent.

But it returns to its normal size six months after childbirth, and during this time of re-growth, the brain may re-map itself in a way that is responsible for the memory changes seen in the study, Santiago said.

I guess all this research may actually be true because the amount of stuff that goes on in raising your child makes you smarter, more patient & way more efficient in all your tasks. Imagine the amount of almonds we eat as left overs 🙂 I’m sure it helps.

On a serious note this sure is suddenly something but sure feels good.

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