“Take The Leap Of Faith- You Won’t Regret It!”, Says This Mommy

Kidsstoppress will feature a series of successful entrepreneurs in the parenting and childcare segment- the ones who have worked hard to establish a brand that is helping parents in #SimplifyingParenting and living their dreams.

Kidsstoppress will feature a series of successful entrepreneurs in the parenting and childcare segment- the ones who have worked hard to establish a brand that is helping parents in #SimplifyingParenting and living their dreams.

How do they do it? What is their inspiration? What prompts them to cater to the littlest of their customers in a way that creates an impact? We ask them all of this- that will help inspire fellow moms to think big and follow their footsteps into the world of business and passion. Scroll down to read more about these successful mompreneurs in our exclusive #MomBoss series. 

This week, Maulshree Somani- the founder of Mapayah- Children's Design & Lifestyle Studio, tells us her story of what it takes to be a successful mompreneur. 

How many of us, parents, really get a chance to work on something we are passionate about? Sadly, it is rare. Passion is often pushed to the background as we resort to a 9-to-5 work that we grudgingly go along with. Not for this duo, though.

Maulshree Somani is a name little book lovers will know. The creative brain behind the famous "Amma, Tell Me" series, by Bhakti Mathur, Maulshree is known for her graphic designing and illustration skills. Her husband, Rizwan Ali, an Interior Architect, shares her passion for simple yet effective and great designs. 

"In our quest for our son to grow up surrounded by this common passion, we took our love for everything Scandinavian and combined it with traditional Indian methods of block printing to create a boutique range of playful furniture, linen and accessories, for him and his close friends", the duo tell us when we ask them how the idea for Mapayah was born. Describe your brand in three words, we ask and they are quick to get back. "Simplicity, creativity and quality". 

We like the reason behind this name for their brand. "Our son Yahir – the reason why we continue to do what we do, is the one who swung to our rescue as we faced the task of finding a name for our new venture. He simply strung Mama-Papa-Yahir together, to create – MAPAYAH".

Running a brand and parenting- the striking similarities:

Ever wondered what is the right time to start a brand when you are driven by a passion?

"Starting a brand is like planning a baby, I guess when the time is right, things start rolling!". And just like most successful mompreneurs, Maulshree admits that she derives the insights and inspiration for her brand from being a parent. Understanding what the child needs, and what is important to them helps them come up with new insights and design solutions, she explains. "That's why we focus on products that meet aesthetic sensibilities and also play a functional role". About balancing both motherhood and entrepreneurial responsibilities, Maulshree and Rizwan explain how you find yourself defining the dynamics that work for your child and the brand! "Both required an equal amount of time, energy and attention. Soon a system emerges were both benefit and grow by leaps and bounds", they assure us. Comforting words for an aspiring mompreneur, I must say.  They explain how over time you will learn to give both of them (your child and the brand) the attention and love they require. "It's all about defining your own personal balance", they say. But at the same time, learn to keep work and home separate- helps immensely they assure. 

And no journey happens without its share of learnings and struggles. As a parent of two, I know this only too (or two!) well! And Maulshree comforts me and other moms by admitting that "being open to change and learning to adapt is our biggest learning as an entrepreneur!" Choose your village carefully, the duo tells us. It is essential to surround yourself with people who not just raise you and add value to your brand but also those who help you grow. "Being an entrepreneur means being open to challenges of all nature and being open to challenging those challenges"

What about the competition? How does one stand apart?

Mapayah caters to products for kids from 2-7 years. Their range of products includes furniture, bedding and accessories for kids. But in a growing market like India, how does one stand out and create an impression in the minds of the customer? Maulshree and Rizwan attribute this factor to their experience and know-how in the world of design and graphics. They focus on not just unique products but are also inspired by Scandinavian designs and focus on the safety, appearance as well as the functionality. " At Mapayah we do not mass-produce, but every single product is either handcrafted or hand-finished. There is a high degree of attention to detail that we put in our products". Their marine-grade birch ply sourced wood and bonded furniture that steers clear from sharp edges are a hit among the parents and kids. 

We ask Maulshree our favourite question on the one golden tip for aspiring entrepreneurs and we like what she has to say. "Take the leap of faith. If it's meant to be, the universe will conspire to make your dreams come true. If not, you tried and that in itself is the biggest achievement".

Learn to say NO to certain compromises- that's what defines your brand and its resilience, she explains. 


Compared to before where creating the noise for your brand was a challenge in itself, Maulshree explains how a parenting platform like ours helps new startups and mompreneurs to get their desired reach. Reaching the target audience is a lot easier, she admits and we love it when happy brands and moms attribute our #FindItOnKSP as the place that changed it all! "For mompreneurs like me, Kidsstoppress is the place where your brand is born", they explain! #SimplifyingParenting, indeed! 

What Mapayah does:

  • Started in 2018 by Maulshree Somani and Rizwan Ali 
  • Based in Mumbai- operates through Online Portal.
  • Have carved a name for themselves among parents and kids as a unique, boutique design and lifestyle studio for kids furniture and accessories. 


Mapayah: Website Instagram +91 98333 19814

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