The #1 Tool You Need To Keep Kids Mindfully Engaged During Social Distancing

Frankly in today’s times- being a child is not easy! We are not saying getting stuck indoors with kids is any easy. We are just telling you- that there IS a way for you to make it a worthwhile experience. 

Over a week of home quarantine and everyone in the family is already sulking. These are testing times no doubt, but we all need that one magical thing that will help us plan our days with the kids at home so there are no sulking or complaining faces at the end of it all!

With no access to outings or weekend getaways, these are definitely challenging times and parents need help with ideas and solutions.  Frankly in today's times- being a child is not easy! We are not saying getting stuck indoors with kids is any easy. We are just telling you- that there IS a way for you to make it a worthwhile experience. 

We don't really know what's in store for us in the future with the coronavirus outbreak, but as a parent, I have learnt to see the positive in this stay-at-home rule. The one thing all of us should resolve is to make the best use of this time to bond better with our kids. At Kidsstoppress, as a group of like-minded mothers with kids of all ages. we sit and brainstorm on the best things to do with kids. Our founder Mansi Zaveri lists the fun things you can try with your kids when stuck at home due to social distancing. 

1. Plan- Plan-Plan: There's nothing like planning ahead- even it is for a stay-at-home quarantine with the kids. As a force of habit, I plan my day at work, at the kitchen, at home and even for the kids the previous night to ensure I know what activity they are going to be engaged in and what resources they will need- so they don't disturb me when I am work. We ensure you get this planner the previous night with insights into the best things you can do with your kids the next day. Want to get this into your inbox?

Click here-

2. Teach them the daily chores: Use this time to teach your kids the daily chores, how and why it is essential for them to learn it- both boys AND girls and the essential life skills that will come in handy. This is the time they learn it.  

3.No school needn't mean that learning comes to a grinding halt. There are a number of YouTube channels, AR apps as well as learning websites that offer superb courses for kids- get them enrolled on some to ensure they don't suffer a learning loss. 

4.Sitting at home all day shouldn't turn your kids into a couch potato- there are a number of interesting YouTube videos that teach kids exercises as well as Yoga asanas to help them stay fit. Start your day with exercise as a family- you will cultivate a habit for life for your kids. 

5.No rocket science- but use this time to teach your kids the basics of the daily things you do that you tend to take for granted. Like how stuff you use everyday works, answer all their "what is" and "why is" questions more patiently in this time. Their curiosity is what will take them places in the future- make sure you feed it right. 

6. The one tool that moms have loved at Kidsstoppress in the past- our special flagship product KSP Summer Fun Factory– a fun, cost-effective and an easy-to-set-up recipe that kids and parents are going to love this summer! Kids from 2-6 years and above will find interesting activities, videos and DIY crafts to try out in their homes. For your budding bookworms, we have curated book lists from 2- 8 years and above! Interested? Click here to join thousands of fellow parents-

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