The One Trick I Learnt To Be A Better Parent

Have you defined your core? Your family’s non-negotiables? Make sure you do that, and you stick to them as parents. If you want kids to stay off-screen during mealtime, start with ditching using your phone first!

Perfect Parenting Mantra: Error 404: Not Found! 

Killing yourself over every small thing that doesn't go your way in the parenting journey? Breathe.

Remember this, parents. There is NO perfect parenting mantra. There are good days, and there are very bad days agreed. You either end up feeling accomplished over that perfect DIY  Craft you made with your kids or you feel down and out when your child doesn't get an "A" in that super easy Math test. 

Here's what we, as parents, must understand:

  • We don't end up weighing down all our expectations on our kids. They don't need to realise OUR missed dreams. 
  • Parenting is not a battle to win. Stop treating it as Kid 1: Mom 0! You have to pick and choose what to fight for and what to stand firm for. 
  • Define your core, as Mansi Zaveri explains in this video with Parenting Coach Dr Ishinna Sadana. Focus on the core, and the others will fall in place, she explains. 

Have you defined your core? Your family's non-negotiables? Make sure you do that, and you stick to them as parents. If you want kids to stay off-screen during mealtime, start with ditching using your phone first!

Go ahead and share your family's core values in the comments below. 

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