These Are The Answers To All The Queries You Have About Your Child’s Teeth!

I remember how I bombarded him with my doubts and questions and wanted to know all about milk teeth when they begin to fall and the arrival of my child’s permanent teeth! Image source: webmdYou may also like: Creative Dental Craft Ideas To Make Brushing InterestingWhen should I start flossing my child’s teeth? Dentist Dr. Varsha Daryanani tells us why you need to start early when it comes to taking good care of your child’s teeth and why flossing is essential for the li’l ones.

A visit to the dentist is something I have always dreaded as a child. I was a big chocolate-fan and that resulted in even my milk teeth developing cavities! I remember how my dentist gave me an earful about my eating and brushing habits and I have started to take much better care since then. When my daughter developed a first cavity, I freaked out and visited the dentist immediately. I remember how I bombarded him with my doubts and questions and wanted to know all about milk teeth when they begin to fall and the arrival of my child's permanent teeth!

So for the benefit of parents just like me, we have put together a basic answer guide to all the questions parents have about their child's teeth.

When does my child lose his/her first teeth?

Your child will start losing their first teeth by the age of 6-7 years.

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Among the permanent teeth, which set appear first?

The general principle when it comes to children is 'first in first out'. Remember how the lower central incisors appeared first giving your baby their first toothy smile? They are the ones to fall first, too. The next to go are the top central incisors, followed by the lateral incisors (lower and upper), first molars (lower and upper), canines and lastly the second molars.

teeth loss among children

Image source: webmd

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When should I start flossing my child's teeth?

Dentist Dr. Varsha Daryanani tells us why you need to start early when it comes to taking good care of your child's teeth and why flossing is essential for the li'l ones.

How do I prep my child for teeth loss and the permanent teeth?

From the age of six, you can be ready to tell your child stories about the tooth fairy! Your child is old enough to now tell you that they feel their tooth is a bit loose or causing discomfort. Make sure there is no swelling or bleeding that your child complains of. If your child complains of any other pain that prevents him/her from brushing the loose teeth, make sure you visit a dentist immediately. Also, unless your dentist suggests, do not opt in to pull out your child's loose milk tooth- just wait for it to fall out.

Why is brushing essential even for milk teeth?

Remember how careful you were about the first teeth that appeared and how you were told to wipe your baby's gums with a soft cloth each time they had a feed? The end-to-end dental care needs to continue even when your child is all set to lose their milk teeth. Any infection or caries that your child may develop because of improper care might affect his/her permanent teeth as well. Make sure your child sticks to the golden routine of brushing twice a day and rinsing the mouth with water every time he/she gulps down a piece of chocolate or a slice of cake. Remember, the milk teeth are essential and vital for the right formation of your child's adult teeth or permanent teeth.


primary and permanant teeth

Image source: kidsdentalonline

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