These Changes Helped Reduce Food Wastage In My House

Food wastage is something that weighs heavily on my mind. I was always someone who would go to the market and want to pick up all the fresh looking sabzis – from ruby red capsicum to the celery sticks or the lettuce leaves and had total FOMO that the fridge must be stuffed with sabzis always.  Then I would come home and the veggies would go in the fridge and some would get made and some would go soggy/ turn bad and I would have to discard them. This is what I started doing To continue reading this article, please subscribe to the KSP MEAL PLANS or KSP MEAL PLANS- Combo Offer. Or if you have already, please sign in to read the article right away!
Indian Food or Indian Curry in a copper brass serving bowl with bread or roti.
Food wastage is something that weighs heavily on my mind. I was always someone who would go to the market and want to pick up all the fresh looking sabzis - from ruby red capsicum to the celery sticks or the lettuce leaves and had total FOMO that the fridge must be stuffed with sabzis always.  Then I would come home and the veggies would go in the fridge and some would get made and some would go soggy/ turn bad and I would have to discard them. This is what I started doing
To continue reading this article, please subscribe to the KSP MEAL PLANS or KSP MEAL PLANS- Combo Offer. Or if you have already, please sign in to read the article right away!


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