This Movie About A Gymnast Is What You Should Bookmark On Netflix To Watch This Weekend

I truly believe that watching TV together is an activity with the kids while using the television as a babysitter or idle TV time doesn’t help at all. Ariana Berlin was an Olympic alibre Gymnast and the movie takes you through her story, the one incident that looked to crush her dreams and how she springs through her troubles and makes a comeback. You may also like: Best Kids’ TV Shows On Netflix And Amazon PrimeThe story is about a young girl, who is training hard to be a perfect gymnast and how she worked hard right from childhood to live that dream.


We love watching movies together as a family. I truly believe that watching TV together is an activity with the kids while using the television as a babysitter or idle TV time doesn’t help at all. It’s not always about the screen time- it’s about what we watch that makes it worthy. At the Zaveri household, every form of media is a tool of learning and we strongly believe that good movies are great family activities too. Don’t you agree?

Full Out- The Movie:

Last Sunday while we searched for Dunston Checks In on Netflix (it’s not anywhere wonder why), we stumbled upon the movie Full Out, based on the story of Ariana Berlin. Ariana Berlin was an Olympic alibre Gymnast and the movie takes you through her story, the one incident that looked to crush her dreams and how she springs through her troubles and makes a comeback.

We were quite kicked about it- got our blankets out and the big tub of popcorn ready to watch the movie together as a family. The girls were excited to watch the movie about an achiever and as a parent, there’s nothing that could make me happier!

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The story is about a young girl, who is training hard to be a perfect gymnast and how she worked hard right from childhood to live that dream. What unfolds in her life after that is what you need to watch with your kids and I don’t want to do a spoiler on that. But here are the lessons that Ariana Berlin & Ms Val (her teacher) taught me and the kids. We also have that written on our canvas that goes up on the wall this week.

  1. There is always a way to achieve what you really want. Try the back door when the front door is shut. If that’s closed too- aim for the windows!
  2. Assume there is no tomorrow: What you want to work on to achieve your dream, do it today.
  3. Remember, everything in life is a choice you make.
  4. The choices you make today will shape the person who you are tomorrow. Do them wisely.

The movie also talks about dreams, hard work, perseverance, friendships and most importantly passion. These were not only great lessons for my daughters Aanya (8) and Akshata (4) but for me too as a parent, entrepreneur, woman and most importantly as a person.

So if you are looking for some quality time with kids on a relaxing weekend- do zero in on this. It’s time well spent. Watch the trailer here:

Image source: Pinterest

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