This One Thing Changed The Way We Use Our Credit Card

Small steps can make a huge impact on our lives and this one thing works for us!

The kids are finally back in school and things are looking up again.  It is all still a little crazy – from the race to get tiffins packed to making sure the kids catch the bus. But baby steps to get everything in order. 

When schools opened and we were all trying to streamline life, I was actually talking to my dad about our school days. He was saying how they would go and stand in line to pay the school fees after getting a draft made. Now with a click of a button, we can do so much. No more wasting time and resources doing things that our parents spent a significant amount of time doing. 

One of the other things we all realized is that after the crisis that has just passed we want to have instant access to cash. I remember feeling less vulnerable knowing that I had cash in hand.

But there are large payments like education or rent that need to be done. My husband and I knew we had to figure out a better way of making these non-negotiable payments without draining the cash reserves we have saved. 

Initially, schools were only talking about traditional modes of payment such as cheques and demand drafts and then that moved to digital bank transfers and UPI. But these modes of payments meant that we would have to use the cash in the bank to make these payments. And I have to say that paying my child’s quarterly fees even for a term puts quite a dent in our savings.

Which is why when a friend mentioned that he had moved to paying for his son’s education using a credit card and was super happy with it we felt we had to explore further.

We discovered that we could use the Mastercard Credit Card on the CRED app to make school payments with just the school bank account number and the IFSC code of the school we could make payments seamlessly without any hassle.

Not only that, payments made on the credit card via the app gave us an interest-free credit period. Now we wouldn’t have to use the cash we wanted to keep available for a rainy day.

Also, using this mode of payment gave us the option to convert large purchases into convenient EMIs if we wanted. Also, the Mastercard credit card allowed us to enjoy savings in the form of regards and cashback when used for high-value transactions.

Mastercard, CRED & BYJU’s understand that parents’ primary concern is their kids and their education. So through this collaboration, they are reinforcing that – #LearningIsRewarding. We got a gift voucher from BYJU’s which allowed my child to attend 3 live classes worth Rs 999 with experienced BYJU teachers. 

Making this switch meant that we wouldn’t have to dip into our savings, we could have access to our money if needed and we had the flexibility to make huge payments without getting stressed out.I think that’s a win-win situation, right?

My husband and I opted to move to use the Mastercard credit card and pay for school via the CRED app because we have found that it made things a lot more convenient for us and we had the freedom of choice to use the card & our money in a safe and secure manner.

Are you ready to leave the old ways behind and step into the new?

This post is in association with Mastercard

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